A plugin for strapi to select react icons.
To install this plugin, you need to add an NPM dependency to your Strapi application:
# Using Yarn
yarn add strapi-plugin-react-icons
# Or using NPM
npm install strapi-plugin-react-icons
Then, you'll need to build your admin panel:
# Using Yarn
yarn build
# Or using NPM
npm run build
Add "react-icons": true,
in you strapi plugins file.
If you do not have this file, create a file:
# in TypeScript: "/config/plugins.ts"
export default ({ env }) => ({ "react-icons": true, });
# in JavaScript: "/config/plugins.js"
module.exports = ({ env }) => ({ "react-icons": true, });
- Select your prefered icon libraries on the settings page.
- Add react-icon as custom field to your content type.
- Press the search icon to select a icon from any of the selected icon libraries.
Create the following IconComponent to dynamically show the icon:
import * as ReactIcons from "react-icons/all";
interface IIconComponent {
icon: string;
size?: number;
type IReactIcon = keyof typeof ReactIcons;
const IconComponent: React.FC<IIconComponent> = ({ icon, size }) => {
const DynamicIconComponent = ReactIcons[icon as IReactIcon];
if (undefined === DynamicIconComponent) return <></>;
return <DynamicIconComponent size={size} />;
- custom field for react-icons
- selection modal for the custom field
- settings page for enabling / disabling icon libraries
- default selection for icon library
- search in the selection modal
Feel free to post any PR or issues :)