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A few goodies for the Medelexis MIS

  • admin-users see the api_key of all users
  • hooks are called after create/editing service tickets


  • Scripts for the hooks




Under you can add more debugging (to the default system logger) and to keep the temporary license files.

Installation from scratch for development

Get the needed zip files. Used versions are found under

    Redmine version                4.2.8.stable
    Ruby version                   2.7.4-p191 (2021-07-07) [x86_64-linux-gnu]
    Rails version        
    Environment                    production
    Database adapter               PostgreSQL
    Mailer queue                   ActiveJob::QueueAdapters::AsyncAdapter
    Mailer delivery                sendmail
    Subversion                     1.14.1
    Git                            2.30.2
Redmine plugins:
    redmine_access_filters         1.0.1
    redmine_agile                  1.6.4
    redmine_checklists             3.1.21
    redmine_contacts               4.3.6
    redmine_contacts_helpdesk      4.2.0
    redmine_contacts_invoices      4.2.6
    redmine_favorite_projects      2.1.1
    redmine_medelexis              0.3.0
    redmine_products               2.1.5
    redmineup_tags                 2.0.12

Afterwards execute and verify these steps (assuming a bash shell). Using ruby 1.9.3p547 was fine for me. Ruby 2.1.2 had some problems

git clone redmine-4.1
cd redmine-4.1
git checkout 4.1-stable
export RAILS_ENV=development
cd plugins
unzip /path/teo/
unzip /path/teo/
unzip /path/teo/
unzip /path/teo/
unzip /path/teo/
unzip /path/teo/
unzip /path/teo/
unzip /path/teo/
git clone
git clone
cd ..
bundle exec rake tmp:cache:clear
bundle install
export RAILS_ENV=development
# bundle exec rake generate_secret_token # only once
# bundle exec rake db:create
bundle exec rake db:migrate
bundle exec rake generate_secret_token
# bundle exec rake redmine:plugins NAME=redmine_access_filters
bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:migrate
bundle exec rake tmp:cache:clear
# Apply patches_contact_invoices.patch for plugins/redmine_contacts_invoices/
# lib/redmine_invoices.rb
# lib/redmine_invoices.rb

Creating a dump from the production server

bundle exec rake RAILS_ENV=production db:data:dump # creates db/data.yml

development: Loading a dump

Copy the yaml dump to db/data.yml. You must manually remove in from db/data.yml the following items

  • color (twice in deal_statuses)
  • remove auth_sources and access_filters (LDAP)
  • remove taggings ???

Now you can load it using bundle exec rake RAILS_ENV=development db:data:load, which will use db/data.yml

Afterwards you may examine the data as following

export RAILS_ENV=development
bundle exec ruby bin/rails console
irb(main)> Project.all.first

Reset admin login, password and skip ldap

bundle exec ruby bin/rails runner \
"user = User.where(admin: true).first; user.login='test_admin'; user.auth_source = nil; \
user.email_address = EmailAddress.all.first unless user.email_address; \
user.password = user.password_confirmation = 'test_password';!"

If you know the login of you might also use something like :conditions => {:login => "myLogin"}

Start rails for development

export RAILS_ENV=development; bundle exec ruby bin/rails server webrick --port=30033

Running the tests

Now you should be able to login under To run the tests, you must rake all plugins (as above) with RAILS_ENV=test. Then you may use calls like

  • bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:test NAME=redmine_medelexis, which runs the test for all installed plugins.

Prepare for running tests (assuming a bash shell) for redmine_medelexis-plugins using

mv plugins no_plugins
bundle exec rake db:migrate  RAILS_ENV=test
mv no_plugins plugins
bundle exec rake db:migrate  RAILS_ENV=test
bundle exec rake redmine:plugins NAME=redmine_medelexis RAILS_ENV=test

and load the same plugins as above. Now you should able to login (as a admin-user) test_admin with the password test_password

Run tests

  • bundle exec rake db:drop db:create db:migrate redmine:plugins:migrate redmine:load_default_data RAILS_ENV=test
  • export RAILS_ENV=test
  • bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:test NAME=redmine_medelexis # runs all tests
  • bundle exec ruby bin/rails runner plugins/redmine_medelexis/test/functional/license_test.rb RAILS_ENV=test # runs a single test

Scripts for the production server


The script scripts/convert_test_abo_to_orders.rb converts all open 'TRIAL' issues older than 1 month into 'LICENSED'. It should be run daily with a cron scripts. E.g. /etc/cron.daily/ could have the following content.

export RAILS_ENV=production
cd /path/to/redmine/checkout && bundle exec ruby bin/rails runner plugins/redmine_medelexis/scripts/convert_test_abo_to_orders.rb

It will add the log entries like this to a log file in the current directory name like .log

Aug 11 20:28:11 host user: redmine_medelexis: issue_to_licensed took 1 second for ids 20,21,22

It bundles all changes into a single transaction which includes the system log output, therefore we should be able to trust it.

create_invoices (alpha)

The script scripts/create_invoices.rb creates 6 (test) invoices using the last day of this year.

bc. bundle exec ruby bin/rails runner plugins/redmine_medelexis/scripts/create_invoices.rb




Marco updated from the MySQL database to postgres using pgloader and the following snippet

    FROM mysql://redmine:*** 
    INTO postgresql://redmine:***@localhost/redmine_medelexis_ch
    quote identifiers
type int when (= 11 precision) to integer drop typemod,
type varchar when (= 255 precision) to varchar drop typemod,
type int when unsigned to integer drop typemod,
type int with extra auto_increment to serial drop typemod
ALTER schema 'redmine' RENAME TO 'public';

Update from redmine 4.1 to 4.1 for mis

Installation auf me-core mit folgenden Schritten (getestet auf einer jungfräulichen Debian/Buster VM).

We assume that you have a user named debian with UID 1000 and sudo privilges.

But first we have to save the settings for the plugin redmine_contacts manually. The settings from the old mis for redmine_contacts must be added manually by calling inside the mysql select name,value from settings where name like "plugin_redmine_contacts";

sudo apt install git rsync postgresql
sudo apt-get build-dep ruby-activemodel rails ruby-sqlite3 libpq-dev
sudo mkdir -p /srv/services/
sudo 1000 debian /srv/services/
cd /srv/services/
  # create initial database
sudo -u postgres psql -tc "create database mis_beta_medelexis_ch encoding 'utf8' template template0;"
sudo -u postgres psql -tc "create user elexis with password 'elexisTest';"
sudo -u postgres psql -tc "create user mis_beta_medelexis_ch with password 'elexisTest';"
sudo -u postgres psql -tc "alter ROLE elexis SUPERUSER;"
  # allow login into database without prompting for password
echo localhost:5432:mis_beta_medelexis_ch:elexis:elexisTest >~/.pgpass
psql -U elexis mis_beta_medelexis_ch --host=localhost --command \\dt
  # get all old files 
rsync -avp .
  # import old database copied here
sudo -u postgres pg_restore --dbname=mis_beta_medelexis_ch mis_beta_medelexis_ch.sql
  # Avoid error when logging
  # ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `with_indifferent_access' for ActionController::Parameters
psql -U elexis mis_beta_medelexis_ch --host=localhost --command "delete from settings where name = 'plugin_redmine_contacts';'"
bundle install
bundle exec rake db:migrate
  # unzip all plugins
  cd plugins
  # copy by hand all plugins into this directory, then
  for aPlugin in *.zip
    echo "Will unzip $aPlugin" 
    unzip $aPlugin
  cd ..
  # migrate the plugins
for aPlugin in plugins/*/
  plugin_name=`basename ${aPlugin}`
  echo "Will migrate $plugin_name"
  bundle exec rake redmine:plugins NAME=${plugin_name} RAILS_ENV=production

The settings from the old mis for redmine_contacts must be added manually.

Create a mis development environment under nixos

Assure that you have imagemagick and a postgresql server installed on your machine and that you have created the postgres DB and copied the files. Edit the config/database.yml correspondingly.


cd /opt/src
git clone
cd redmine
rm -rfv plugins
git clone [email protected]:mdescher/redmine-mis-plugins.git plugins
cd plugins
git clone [email protected]:ngiger/redmine_access_filters.git
git clone [email protected]:ngiger/redmine_access_filters.git
cd ..
ln -s plugins/redmine_medelexis/shell.nix .
[nix-shell] bundle install # generates Gemfile.lock
[nix-shell] bundix         # generates gemset.nix
[nis-shell] bundle exec ruby bin/rails server webrick --port=30001 -e production


A few goodies for the Medelexis MIS







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