A code implementation of diagrams found in Walter Russell's book, The Secret of Light.
You can see from the TODOs in my code that I have not captured every element of the art provided by Walter, but I do have a working starting point.
In order to derive this periodic table to the previous one, you must rotate your frame of reference to look down the inertial line drawn in periodic table 1, when looking down this line, you see periodic table 2.
I found this periodic table to be very interesting because it supposedly generates atoms from very simple behavior. According to Quora user Andrew Wolff, Adjunct Professor of Chemistry, "The two periodic tables proposed by Walter Russell in 1926 show some remarkable insights and some incorrect predictions. The first iteration predicted a large number of elements before and after hydrogen that simply do not exist. It certainly does appear to predict elements past Uranium, and correctly leaves room for Technetium. Thus, the table had faults and insights. His second table avoids these faults while retaining the predictions of then-unknown elements." I cannot find any evidence of someone trying to implement his art into code, so I decided to give it a shot.
Different scientists use different periodic tables to achieve different goals. In my opinion, his perioidic table is far more simple than any of the others proposed. I find that many scientists tend to ignore people that disagree with their views. Walter Russell was convinced that "God is Light" and for the first 10 chapters of his book he re-iterates this idea very often. Many would stop reading, and because his second periodic table is correct, I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. He dedicated his entire life to informally studying reality and its mechanics, regardless of the potential accuracy of his claims, I think his work is worth considering. Espescially because, like others in this time, he accurately predicted then-unkown elements and, with far less scientific value, he was in the same group of people as Nikola Tesla and spoke to him about wave mechanics. This all being said, I review his teachings with vast skepticism. An interesting thing to note is that the transition metals appear on the bottom of periodic table 2 between 3+ and 3-. This means we are packing many elements between these two numbers. Somehow, the farther you deviate from the inertial line defined in periodic table 1, the more discrete sampling of atoms increases. I am looking into what mechanism determines this sampling.
To answer this, I first urge you to watch a video about the Double Slit Experiment, a video about the Schrödinger equation, and a video about Quantum Field Theory. Even if you're a Physicsist, I believe you will gain some valuable intuition about QM from these videos, please do watch them. Dr. Jeroen Vleggaar, author of the double slit experiment video, summarizes my view of Quantum Mechanics very well: "In a sense, quantum mechanics is not meant to make us understand the true nature of light and matter, it was conceived to explain our observations and measurements. From the perspective of the photon, as described by quantum mechanics, there is no such thing as a physical distance between possible states, because position is defined as a superposition of all possible states. And, In principle, the probability function can cover half the universe if the photon is allowed to travel a long time before absorption." Use your own intuition here, do you think we need a different equation that describes electron orbitals? If you're a physicist and you're not yet convinced, take a look at this article.
"Different from actual multi-electron atoms (with electron's "orbit"), Schrodinger's wavefunction always spread all over the space. This property makes it impossible to solve Scchrodinger equation in multi-electron atoms." So, to answer the original question, I don't know. We need to implement the model proposed by Walter, then try to add "measurements devices" to see if the observations of these generated atoms align with the probablity functions of hydrogen generated by the Schrödinger equation. We could also use the Born-Oppenheimer approximation to test the probability functions of the oribtals of larger atoms. An implementation of QFT will also work to test the accuracy of Walter's model of the atom.
The first nebulas, which you are made from, must be space. And by extension - all things. The only way that I could see this being compatible with the fact that all things amount to nothing is if space changes position when viewed from a moving internal perspective. To further explain this, in the context of The Big Bang, there was nothing then something. But, how could this be possible, how could nothingness, 0, turn into something? Analogously, how could 0 = x? In modern algebra the only solution to this system is x = 0. And zero, must be "Higher/Better" than you think. But Walter Russel argues that you can leave 0 (which he deems the inertial line) by extending towards positive numbers, but every time you leave 0 towards the positive direction you must come back to 0 by extending towards the negative direction. An example of this extension is the unit sinusoidal wave. Where you leave 0 by extending towards positive 1 and come back to 0 by extending towards -1. If you sample an arbitrary part of the alphabet, a letter like x or a wildcard like /*/Star, you will see y change over time but y will never leave 0. Where the numerical value of this can be wholey arbitrary, perhaps x = π, because Pi is the literal ratio between a square and a circle, which is arbitrary. The image above is extremely useful in showing this idea, imagine adding many waves together but the net sum of all of the waves is still 0. Something equals nothing. “In the beginning, there was nothing. And, ...[then,]... there was light. There was still nothing, but you could see it a lot better.” - Woody Allen