Bharat code is an IDE to enable kids in every corner of the country to code in their language. Bharat code is an initial attempt and is still WIP. The community can particpate here in terms of XML of languages and also buttons. The code basically provides kids with an ability to code in their language and HTML and part of JavaScript.
Through this mechanism, I have also managed to create a new format of HTML cslled BHAML (Bharat Mark Up Language for Indic Languages).
Browsers today don't support BHAML but the IDE generates both a .BHAML file and a .HTML file. A separate plugin on te browser can sort the BHAML extension
The code is divided into 3 categories
-, which is the main file. The main purpose of this code is to ensure how files are saved as and also how the BHAML (Bharat Mark up Language) is drawn
- Language Factor: Which is a fatory based language class
- Languages reside in their respective .py file
###Brief### Language is the quintessential component that segregates us as a species from the rest. Language is communication and communication is what keeps the world going . Language and communication can also be broken in two steps • Encoding of thoughts into a language for a speaker • Decoding and understanding what is spoken for a listener
Now, while the above is true, what makes language a difficult challenge is that while thoughts are a continuum , language contains discrete words or lexicons. This causes a bandwidth gap between the two . This gap increases if the language is alien to the mother tongue for a human being
###Premise of Invention###
The above challenge is the premise of the invention. While India is the IT solution bowl of the world, there is a vast percentage of people in India (60%) who understand but can barely converse in English. Even within the urban sectors, kids exploring the new age IT development or coding continue to be constrained from typing and udnerstanding English concept. This is the origin of BHAML or Bharat Mark up langauge which is the first in the series of work for Indian diaspora and kids.
What makes BHAML Unique: BHAML has two components which make it unique • Development of the HTML counter tags: This has never beed done where HTML tags like , etc are converted to the corresponding Language based tags, What the inventor has done here, converted these tags carefully into corresponding 10 langauges for Indian subcontinent . These languages include Hindi, Marathi, Odia, Gujarati, Bangla, Punjabi, Kannada, Telugu, Tamil and Malayalam. These 10 languages form the core of the Indian subcontinent • An IDE (Independent development Editor) or an editor to enable kids ot anyone to code HTML (as a start) in their native tongue and see the result. The editor also creates two files , one with a .BHAML extension(unique) and one with a .html extension. The .html file can be seen in the browser in the usual way . Howver in order to see a .bhaml file a browser extension is needed • A browser extension or a plug in to view .BHAML files (unique and never been done before) • The inventor plans to extend this to all the langauges of the world includin russian, nepali, croatian etc to enable the usage of this editor wordlwide , so that kids and developers all over the world are not constrianed from english based language constraints