This project is not production-ready. I'm actively developing it and any issue and/or PR are welcome.
An AsyncAPI Generator template for scaffolding publisher/subscriber (or producer/consumer, or wathever) PHP applications, with a focus on type safety and polymorphism.
Currently supported message brokers:
- ✅ RabbitMQ
- ✅ Kafka
Install the AsyncAPI Generator CLI (it can be installed as a dev dependency, or globally):
npm install --save-dev @asyncapi/generator
Install this package as a project dev dependency:
npm install --save-dev @nickshoe/asyncapi-php-template
Launch the generator, specifying @nickshoe/asyncapi-php-template
as the template name:
npx asyncapi-generator <path-to-asyncapi-yaml> @nickshoe/asyncapi-php-template -p server=<server-name> -o ./output
This section shows how the generated code looks like, based on the asyncapi-example.yml example file.
The following code snippets show how the DTO classes representing the messages payloads get generated; in particular, they show how class-hierarchy and serialization aspects are handled.
namespace ExampleApp\Models;
use ExampleApp\Models\DomainEvent;
use JMS\Serializer\Annotation\Discriminator;
use ExampleApp\Models\User;
* @Discriminator(field="_type", map={"UserPasswordResetEvent" = "ExampleApp\Models\UserPasswordResetEvent"})
class UserPasswordResetEvent extends DomainEvent
private User $user;
private string $tempPassword;
public function __construct(string $id, \DateTime $createdAt, User $user, string $tempPassword)
parent::__construct($id, $createdAt);
$this->user = $user;
$this->tempPassword = $tempPassword;
public function getUser(): User
return $this->user;
public function setUser(User $user): void
$this->user = $user;
public function getTempPassword(): string
return $this->tempPassword;
public function setTempPassword(string $tempPassword): void
$this->tempPassword = $tempPassword;
namespace ExampleApp\Models;
use JMS\Serializer\Annotation\Type;
class DomainEvent
private readonly string $id;
* @Type("DateTime<'Y-m-d\TH:i:s.uO'>")
private readonly \DateTime $createdAt;
public function __construct(string $id, \DateTime $createdAt)
$this->id = $id;
$this->createdAt = $createdAt;
public function getId(): string
return $this->id;
public function getCreatedAt(): \DateTime
return $this->createdAt;
The code snippets below show how the publish/subscribe operations will look like. Each channel defined in the spec will generate a corresponding class.
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
use AsyncAPI\Services\MessageBroker\Message;
use AsyncAPI\Services\MessageBroker\AMQP\AMQPClientConfig;
use AsyncAPI\Services\MessageBroker\AMQP\AMQPClient;
use ExampleApp\Services\Channels\EventsChannel;
use ExampleApp\Models\DomainEvent;
use ExampleApp\Models\UserPasswordResetEvent;
use ExampleApp\Models\UserLoginEvent;
$username = 'user';
$password = 'password';
$config = new AMQPClientConfig('localhost', 5672, $username, $password);
$client = new AMQPClient($config);
$channel = new EventsChannel($client);
$channel->onDomainEvent(function (DomainEvent $object, Message $message) {
echo "[x] Received DomainEvent object:\n";
$channel->onUserPasswordResetEvent(function (UserPasswordResetEvent $object, Message $message) {
echo "[x] Received UserPasswordResetEvent object:\n";
$channel->onUserLoginEvent(function (UserLoginEvent $object, Message $message) {
echo "[x] Received UserLoginEvent object:\n";
use ExampleApp\Models\User;
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
use AsyncAPI\Services\MessageBroker\Kafka\KafkaClientConfig;
use AsyncAPI\Services\MessageBroker\Kafka\KafkaClient;
use ExampleApp\Services\Channels\EventsChannel;
use ExampleApp\Models\UserLoginEvent;
$config = new KafkaClientConfig('localhost:9092');
$client = new KafkaClient($config);
$channel = new EventsChannel($client);
$userLoginEvent = new UserLoginEvent(
new DateTime(),
new User(
'[email protected]',
new DateTime('1970-01-01T00:00:00Z')
If you're interested in fix some bugs or add some functionality to this template, you should consider the following VSCode launch configuration for debugging.
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"type": "node",
"request": "launch",
"name": "Debug template",
"timeout": 10000,
"sourceMaps": true,
"args": [
"program": "${workspaceFolder}/node_modules/@asyncapi/generator/cli.js"