Wrap your styles with
to work inside the Gutenberg Block Editor
This is a gulp wrapper for PostCSS Editor Styles by Marty Helmick
Add Gulp Editor Styles to your project:
npm install gulp-editor-styles --save-dev
Use Gulp Editor Styles to process your CSS:
// gulpfile.js
const { src, dest, parallel } = require('gulp');
const editorStyles = require('gulp-editor-styles');
function css() {
return src(YOUR_CSS)
exports.css = css;
These are the options from PostCSS Editor Styles
const defaults = {
scopeTo: '.editor-styles-wrapper', // The selector we're working within.
repeat: 1, // Increase specificity by repeating the selector.
remove: ['html'],
replace: ['body'],
ignore: [':root'],
tags: ['a', 'button', 'input', 'label', 'select', 'textarea', 'form'],
tagSuffix: ':not([class^="components-"]):not([class^="editor-"]):not([class^="block-"]):not([aria-owns])'