Zabbix is an enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring solution with JSON-RPC based Zabbix API. ZAEBATOR - is a skeleton for this JSON-RPC API. Right now i do only few commands - but it's no problem to implement other methods. You can do it by your self or feel free to ask my ([email protected]).
Right now you can:
- Login
- Get Graph Object
- Render Graph Image
please see examples folder.
- PHP 5.3 with curl support
Step 0: Download this code!
You can always download the code from the github project as an archive.
Step 1: Just create an instance of Zaebator
require './library/Zaebator.php';
$option = array(
'url' => 'http://zabbixhost/zabbix/api_jsonrpc.php',
'user' => 'username',
'password' => 'password'
$zaebator = new Zaebator($option);
Step 3: Add your request method than you need
Step 3.1: Add to Zaebator main class (library/Zaebator.php)
public function yourMethod($param1, $param2, ..,$paramn) {
$args = func_get_args();
return $this->_executeCommand('your.method', $args);
Step 3.2: Add to Zaebator Commands class (library/Zaebator/Commands.php)
protected static $_commands = array(
'user.authenticate' => 'Zaebator_Command_User_Authenticate',
'your.method' => 'Zaebator_Command_Your_Method'
Step 3.3: Add Zaebator Command class (library/Zaebator/Your/Method.php) see Zaebator_Command_User_Authenticate as example anyway all you need in this class add params map
protected $_paramsMap = array('param1', 'param2', ...,'paramn');
And you can add responseCallback(s) id you need to call some kind of callbacks
protected $_responseCallbacks = array('_setAuthHashCallback');
protected function _setAuthHashCallback() {
Step 4: Have some trouble?Feel free to asq me here on github or via email [email protected]