By Mike Jones, [email protected]
AKA Akela [email protected]
AKA Grey Wolf [email protected]
[23rd Manchester (Birch with Fallowfield)][23MCR]
This Latex class extends the 'article' class to format Scout Activity documents - those that describe things to do with (Squirrel)/Beaver/Cub Scouts, Scouts and (Explorer) scouts.
The \part{}
command is overloaded and called by the new command
which takes optional badge and text labels.
Please see the compiled example PDF for full details.
This release contains the current Activity and Challenge badges for the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts. Converted to SVG or redrawn as necessary using inkscape to SVG and then exported to PDF for best suitability for PDFLaTeX. The Squirrel and Explorer badges are a work in progress.
Fonts and Scout Association branding materials have been copied from my other Scout Branding project