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Bingo: A Generics First Database

Bingo is a Golang embedded database library that uses bbolt as a backend.

Through the use of generics, it includes capabilities for CRUD operations, validation, preprocessing, and more.


  • Simple CRUD: Easily create, read, update, and delete documents in your bbolt database.
  • Validation: Uses go-playground/validator for struct validation.
  • Querying: Advanced querying capabilities using filters.
  • Hooks: Execute functions before and after certain operations (Insert, Update, Delete). package main


Install the library using go get:

go get -u

Full Example

package main

import (

type Platform string

const (
	Excel  = "excel"
	Sheets = "sheets"

type Function struct {
	Name        string   `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Category    string   `json:"category,omitempty"`
	Args        []string `json:"args,omitempty"`
	Example     string   `json:"example,omitempty"`
	Description string   `json:"description,omitempty"`
	URL         string   `json:"URL,omitempty"`
	Platform    Platform `json:"platform,omitempty"`

func main() {
	driver, err := bingo.NewDriver(bingo.DriverConfiguration{
		Filename: "clippy.db",
	if err != nil {

	defer func() {

	functionDB := bingo.CollectionFrom[Function](driver, "functions")

	// Registering a custom ID generator,
	// this will be called when a new document is inserted
	// and the if the document does not have a key/id set.
	functionDB.OnNewId = func(_ int, doc *Function) []byte {
		return []byte(strings.ToLower(doc.Name))

	// Inserting
	key, err := functionDB.Insert(Function{
		Name:        "SUM",
		Category:    "Math",
		Args:        []string{"a", "b"},
		Example:     "SUM(1, 2)",
		Description: "Adds two numbers together",
		URL:         "",
		Platform:    Sheets,
	if err != nil {

	fmt.Println("Inserted document with key", string(key))

	searchQuery := "sum"
	platform := "sheets"
	// Querying
	query := functionDB.Query(bingo.Query[Function]{
		Filter: func(doc Function) bool {
			return doc.Platform == Platform(platform) && strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(doc.Name), strings.ToLower(searchQuery))
		Count: 3,
	if query.Error != nil {

	if !query.Any() {
		panic("No documents found!")

	fmt.Println("Found", query.Count(), "documents")
	for _, function := range query.Items {
		fmt.Printf("%s: %s\n", function.Name, function.Description)

	sum, err := functionDB.FindByKey("sum")
	if err != nil {
	sum.Category = "Algebra"
	err = functionDB.UpdateOne(sum)
	if err != nil {

	newSum, _ := functionDB.FindByBytesKey(sum.Key())
	fmt.Println("Updated SUM category to", newSum.Category)


1. Initialize the Driver

Create a new driver instance:

config := bingo.DriverConfiguration{
    DeleteNoVerify: false,
    Filename:       "mydb.db",
driver, err := bingo.NewDriver(config)

2. Define your document type

You can specify an autoincrement ID by returning nil in the Key method.

type User struct {
	Username string `json:"username,omitempty" validate:"required,min=3,max=64"`
	Email    string `json:"email,omitempty" validate:"required,email"`
	Password string `json:"password,omitempty" preprocessor:"password-prep" validate:"required,min=6,max=64"`

func (u *User) CheckPassword(password string) bool {
    current := u.Password
    if strings.HasPrefix(current, "hash:") {
        current = strings.TrimPrefix(current, "hash:")
        return bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword([]byte(current), []byte(password)) == nil
    return current == password

func (u *User) EnsureHashedPassword() error {
    if strings.HasPrefix("hash:", u.Password) {
        return nil
    hashed, err := HashPassword(u.Password)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    u.Password = fmt.Sprintf("hash:%s", hashed)
    return nil

3. Create a collection for your document type

Note: Your document type must have bingo.Document as it's first field or implement the bingo.DocumentSpec interface.

users := bingo.CollectionFrom[User](driver, "users")

You can also add hooks:

users.BeforeUpdate(func(doc *User) error {
	return doc.EnsureHashedPassword()

4. CRUD Operations

Inserting documents:

id, err := users.Insert(User{
	Username: "test",
	Password: "test123",
	Email:    "[email protected]",
if err != nil {

fmt.Println("Inserted user with ID:", id)

Inserting documents with a custom ID:

id, err := users.Insert(User{
	Document: bingo.Document{
        ID: []byte("custom-id"),
	Username: "test",
	Password: "test123",
	Email:    "[email protected]",
if err != nil {

fmt.Println("Inserted user with ID:", id)

Querying documents:

result := users.Query(bingo.Query[User]{
	Filter: func(doc User) bool {
		return doc.Username == "test"
if !result.Any() {
	panic("No user found")

Inserting a Document

user := User{
	Username: "john_doe",
	Email:    "[email protected]",
	Password: "password1234",
	Active:  true,

// Ensure password is hashed
_ = user.EnsureHashedPassword()

insertResult := userCollection.Insert(user)
if insertResult.Error() != nil {
	log.Fatalf("Failed to insert user: %v", insertResult.Error())

Updating a Document

result, err := coll.FindOne(func(doc TestDocument) bool {
    return doc.Name == "Apple"

if err != nil {
    t.Fatalf("Failed to find document: %v", err)

result.Name = "Pineapple"
err = coll.UpdateOne(result)
if err != nil {
    t.Fatalf("Failed to update document: %v", err)

Using Iterators

err := coll.UpdateIter(func(doc *TestDocument) *TestDocument {
	if doc.Name == "Apple" {
		doc.Name = "Pineapple"
		return doc
    return nil

Deleting a Document

result, err := coll.FindOne(func(doc TestDocument) bool {
    return doc.Name == "Apple"

if err != nil {
    t.Fatalf("Failed to find document: %v", err)

err = coll.DeleteOne(result)
if err != nil {
    t.Fatalf("Failed to delete document: %v", err)

Using Iterators

err := coll.DeleteIter(func(doc *TestDocument) bool {
    return doc.Name == "Apple"

Querying for Documents

result := userCollection.Query(bingo.Query[User]{
    Filter: func(doc User) bool {
        return doc.Username == "john_doe"
    Count: 1, // Only get the first result
if result.Any() {
	firstUser := result.First()
	fmt.Println("Found user:", firstUser.Username, firstUser.Email)
} else {
	fmt.Println("User not found")


page1 := userCollection.Query(bingo.Query[User]{
    Filter: func(doc User) bool {
        return doc.Active 
    Count: 10, // Get 10 results

page2 := userCollection.Query(bingo.Query[User]{
    Filter: func(doc User) bool {
        return doc.Active 
    Count: 10, // Get 10 results
    Skip: page1.Next, // Skip n Users, this value is returned by the previous query as QueryResult.Next

More on Querying

Setting Up

package main

import (


type User struct {
	Username string `json:"username,omitempty" validate:"required,min=3,max=64"`
	Email    string `json:"email,omitempty" validate:"required,email"`
	Password string `json:"password,omitempty" preprocessor:"password-prep" validate:"required,min=6,max=64"`
	Active   bool   `json:"active,omitempty"`

func (u User) Key() []byte {
	return []byte(u.Username)

func (u *User) CheckPassword(password string) bool {
	current := u.Password
	if strings.HasPrefix(current, "hash:") {
		current = strings.TrimPrefix(current, "hash:")
		return bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword([]byte(current), []byte(password)) == nil
	return current == password

func (u *User) EnsureHashedPassword() error {
	if strings.HasPrefix("hash:", u.Password) {
		return nil
	hashed, err := HashPassword(u.Password)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	u.Password = fmt.Sprintf("hash:%s", hashed)
	return nil

func main() {
	config := bingo.DriverConfiguration{
		DeleteNoVerify: true,
		Filename:       "test.db",
	driver, err := bingo.NewDriver(config)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to create new driver: %v", err)

	userCollection := bingo.CollectionFrom[User](driver, "users")

	//... your operations ...

Validating a Query

The Validate method allows you to validate the query result before performing any operations on it. This is useful for checking if a document exists before updating or deleting it.

newText := "Hello World!"

err := Posts.Query(bingo.Query[Post]{
    KeysStr: []string{c.Param("id")}, // Get only the post with the given ID
}).Validate(func(qr *bingo.QueryResult[Post]) error {
    if !qr.Any() { 
        return fmt.Errorf("404::post not found") // Return a premature error if no post was found
    return nil
}).Iter(func(doc *Post) error {
    if doc.Author != username {
        return fmt.Errorf("401::you are not the author of this post")
    doc.Content = newText
    doc.Edited = time.Now().Unix()
    return nil

Further Filtering a Query result

If for some reason you need to further filter the query result, you can use the Filter method:

newText := "The contents of this post has been deleted"

err := Posts.Query(bingo.Query[Post]{
    Filter: func(doc Post) bool {
        return doc.Author == username
}).Validate(func(qr *bingo.QueryResult[Post]) error {
    if !qr.Any() { 
        return fmt.Errorf("404::posts not found") // Return a premature error if no post was found
    return nil
}).Filter(func (doc Post) bool {
    return doc.Edited == 0 // Only get posts that have not been edited
}).Iter(func(doc *Post) error {
    doc.Content = newText
    doc.Edited = time.Now().Unix()
    return nil

Updating a Document

err := userCollection.Query(bingo.Query[User]{
    Filter: func(doc User) bool {
        return doc.Username == "john_doe"
    Count: 1, // Only get the first result
}).Validate(func(qr *bingo.QueryResult[Post]) error {
    if !qr.Any() {
        return fmt.Errorf("404::user not found") // Return a premature error if no post was found
    return nil
}).Iter(func(doc *User) error {
	doc.Email = "[email protected]"
	return nil

if err != nil {
	log.Fatalf("Failed to update user: %v", err)

Deleting a Document

err := userCollection.Query(bingo.Query[User]{
    Filter: func(doc User) bool {
            return doc.Username == "john_doe"
        Count: 1, // Only get the first result
}).Validate(func(qr *bingo.QueryResult[Post]) error {
    if !qr.Any() {
        return fmt.Errorf("404::user not found") // Return a premature error if no post was found
    return nil

if err != nil {
	log.Fatalf("Failed to delete user: %v", err)

Custom Operations with Middleware

If you want to have custom operations before or after inserting, updating, or deleting users, you can define them as:

userCollection.BeforeInsert(func(u *User) error {
	return u.EnsureHashedPassword()

userCollection.AfterInsert(func(u *User) error {
	fmt.Println("User inserted:", u.Username)
	return nil

userCollection.BeforeUpdate(func(u *User) error {
	return u.EnsureHashedPassword()

userCollection.AfterUpdate(func(u *User) error {
	fmt.Println("User updated:", u.Username)
	return nil

userCollection.BeforeDelete(func(u *User) error {
	fmt.Println("Deleting user:", u.Username)
	return nil

Error Handling

The library provides helper functions to check for specific errors:

err := users.Insert(newUser)
if bingo.IsErrDocumentExists(err) {
	fmt.Println("Document already exists!")
} else if bingo.IsErrDocumentNotFound(err) {
	fmt.Println("Document not found!")

Important Methods


This method initializes a new connection to the database.


This is a factory method to create a new collection for a specific document type.


Inserts a document into the collection.


Query documents using a custom filter.

Error Handling

Special error types are provided for common error scenarios:

  • bingo.ErrDocumentNotFound: When a document is not found in the collection.
  • bingo.ErrDocumentExists: When attempting to insert a document with an existing key.

Helper functions like IsErrDocumentNotFound and IsErrDocumentExists are available for easy error checking.

Safety Measures

For destructive operations like Drop, safety checks are in place. By default, you need to set environment variables to permit such operations:



Bingo relies on the following third-party packages:


If you'd like to contribute to the development of Bingo, please submit a pull request or open an issue.


This library is released under the MIT License.

Please make sure to adhere to the terms of use and licensing of the third-party dependencies if you decide to use this library.