This is a fork of the venerable Xfoil with tweaks to allow installation on MacOS 11.
Install Xcode from the Mac App Store
Install Command Line Tools:
$ xcode-select --install
Install homebrew
Use homebrew to install XQuartz (requires a log out/in) to allow Xfoil to display graphics.
$ brew install xquartz
Install gfortran which will be used to compile Xfoil
$ brew install gfortran
Download the contents of the repository and unpack to a location where you want to run Xfoil from. The following commands will walk you through the compilation process. All lines begining with a $ are commands you enter into the commandline. You don't include the $. If you are new to using a terminal I recommend this primer: All make files have been updated to use relative paths so you shouldn't need to edit any of the files. For example line 101 in orrs/src/osmap.f must point to the location of osmapDP.dat.
$ cd Xfoil-for-Mac-main
$ cd orrs/bin
$ make -f Makefile_DP osgen
If you get an error: clang: error: invalid version number in '-mmacosx-version-min=11.5' You need to reinstall the Xcode Command Line Tools, see guide at the end of this file.
$ cd ../../plotlib
$ make libPlt_gSP.a
$ cd ../bin
$ make xfoil
$ make pplot
$ make pxplot
It is best to run Xfoil from the runs folder (for example) so you can store your data without polluting the bin folder.
cd Xfoil-for-Mac-main/runs
the xfoil executable is up a directory in bin. You can run it with:
$ ../bin/xfoil
or if this doesn't work (maybe because you're using bash)
$ ../bin/./xfoil
The Xfoil enviorment should now be running. Enter ? for help.
To run a NACA 0012 airfoil enter
naca 0012
Then to perform operating point calculations enter:
You can run either inviscid or viscous solutons. .OPERi indicates inviscid and .OPERv viscous mode. When using viscous mode you need to provide the Reynolds number. You can switch between modes by entering v or i.
The command
alfa N
Will calculate and plot CP vs X plot for the input airfoil at angle of attack N. Use the comand bl to plot boundary layer profiles.
The command
will save the graphics display to a postscript file stored in the runs directory.
If you want to run through several angle of attacks we need to accumulate data. To do this use the
Specify a filename such as NACA0012.txt. A dump file is optional. Now any calculations you run are stored to runs/NACA0012.txt.
We can use
to run through a series of angles of attack. You will be asked for the min, max and increment angle. The CPx plot will update. The data will be written to the NACA0012.txt file and it can be plotted using
Care must be taken to ensure what you obtain from Xfoil is meaningful. You may need in increase the number of interations etc.
If you get an error: clang: error: invalid version number in '-mmacosx-version-min=11.5' Then you can reinstall the Command line Tools to fix the issue.
$ sudo rm -rf /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
Note the sudo command will require your system password, no characters will appear as you type as a security measure.
Install Command Line Tools: $ xcode-select --install This will prompt you to run the installer and agree to license terms. This step can take a few minutes.