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To Edit Source Code and Work with GIT

  1. Use Git Bash
  2. cd ../../Development
  3. git clone
  4. cd pickle-boats-rec
  5. Use windows shell
  6. cd \Development\pickle-boats-rec
  7. \Python37\python -m venv .venv
  8. .venv\Scripts\activate
  9. python -m pip install pip --upgrade
  10. Download PyQt4-4.11.4-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl from
  11. pip install <path-to-folder>\PyQt4-4.11.4-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl
  12. pip install -r requirements.txt
  13. Remember to Create New Branch Before Doing Any Work

Generate UI

  1. Ues QT Creator
  2. '.venv\Lib\site-packages\PyQt4\Designer.exe`
  3. MainWindow.ui
  4. .venv\Lib\site-packages\PyQt4\pyuic4 MainWindow.ui -o
  5. PreferencesDialog.ui
  6. .venv\Lib\site-packages\PyQt4\pyuic4 PreferencesDialog.ui -o

Build Executable

.venv\Scripts\pyinstaller.exe --onefile --windowed --icon options.ico --name "Pickle Rec Boats Folder" "pickle-boats-rec.spec"

Methodology for extracting values from Spreadsheet

  1. A sheet is vertically divided into top, bottom and sections
    • top is absolutely positioned at row 1.
    • section start is found by looking in column A/1 for all cells that have the value QTY.
    • section end is found by looking in column J/10 for all cells that have the value SUBTOTAL.
    • bottom is computed as max(end)+ 5
  2. A sheet horizontally divided into an absolute positioned and relative positioned boatSizes.
    • the leftmost column A/1 is absolutely positioned.
    • boatSizes is the text of any cell that is an integer value as determined by .isidigit().
    • the column position of boatSizes is computed by J/11 with 11 + (4 * i) with i being the current index into enumerate(boatSizes).
  3. The file holds the different bands on the page. Each band has entries for individual values that will be captured
    • name of the dictionary entry we are saving for that value
    • column either absolute or relative of the value to be captured
    • row either absolute or relative of the value to be captured
    • default a default value such as "0", "0.0" or "" in case the cell is empty so nulls are not being stored.
  4. Non Section bands are processed once
    • topSection has absolute columns and absolute rows
    • costSummary has columns found calculated by 11 + 4 * index into boatSizes and absolute rows.
    • bottomSection has absolute columns and rows that are offset from max(end) + 5
  5. Section bands are processed once for each item in the section[] list.
    • startSections has absolute columns and rows offset from start[i] and occur before the partSection in each section.
    • startSectionsSize has columns found calculated by 11 + 4 * index into boatSizes and rows offset from start[i] and occur before the partSection in each section.
    • endSections has columns found calculated by 11 + 4 * index into boatSizes and rows offset from end[i] and occur after the partSection in each section.
    • partSection needs to be divided it has both absolute columns at the start and boatSizes[] calculated columns.


Compile boat data from spreadsheets






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