A Symfony2 bundle to operate with raspberry pi gpio pins
Features include:
- Easy IO pin configuration (add humanized slugs instead numbers)
- Command to setup pins from configuration to raspberry file system
- Watch command to listen input status changes
- Command to read input pin status and set output pin status
- Configure Symfony events to be triggered on input pin status change
GpioBundle is available on Packagist (notrix/gpio-bundle) and is installable via Composer.
php composer.phar require notrix/gpio-bundle 'dev-master'
Possible configuration options are listed below
# app/config/config.yml
sudo: true # Run commands with sudo permissions for raspberry
development: false # true will use fake raspberry lib to imitate getting and setting pin statuses
watcher_interval: 0.35 # how often poll input files for status changes
in: # here you can configure input pins
18: # this is rasperry's internal pin number
slug: pir_sensor1 # your custom slug to identify pin
event: { on: pir_sensor_on, off: pir_sensor_off } # symfony event names. You can attach an event listeners to them
slug: pir_sensor2
event: [ pir_sensor_triggered ] # one event on both statuses on and off
out: # here you can configure output pins
slug: blue_led # slug to identify current pin
slug: red_led
Note: As this bundle has a dependancy on ronanguilloux/php-gpio development lib version, your project minimum stability has to be 'dev' or include this vendor as a dependancy to your project with @dev stability flag
You should allways use manager service 'notrix_gpio.pin_manager' to controll your pins.
Write Event listeners for input pins.
Run 'php app/console notrix:gpio:setup' to initialize pins
Run 'php app/console notrix:gpio:watch -vv' to see how symfony reacts to pin status changes and with no '-vv' to run it quietly and do the listeners job.
GpioBundle is a NoTriX initiative. If you wanna be in the list of contributors feel free to fork, update, extend and PR your changes. Thanks.