This pull request make the Nova's **Routing** configurable via the file **app/Config/Routing.php**
This pull request make the Nova's Routing configurable via the file app/Config/Routing.php, which usually contains:
* Routing configuration
Config::set('routing', array(
'patterns' => array(
//':hex' => '[[:xdigit:]]+',
//':uuidV4' => '\w{8}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{12}'
'default' => array(
'controller' => DEFAULT_CONTROLLER,
'method' => DEFAULT_METHOD
In the "patterns" array entries could be added additional Routing Patterns used by the both Routers, while the "default" entry is for the ClassicRouter.
Finally, this pull request introduce a small optional feature: the Named Patterns which are practically aliases to (:any) and (:num), but permitting a more fluent definition, for example:
// Using a :ANY based Named Pattern
Router::any('blog/categories/{category}', 'App\Modules\Blog\Controllers\Blog@category');
// Using a :NUM base Named Pattern
Router::any('admin/blog/categories/{:id}', 'App\Modules\Blog\Controllers\Admin\Blog@category');