Project contains examples of:
- Spring boot dockerize with layering
- Deploy to k8s cluster
- CI with Concourse
- k8s readiness probe with spring actuator
Spring cloud gatewayHelm charts
- docker
- maven
Then run mvn spring-boot:build-image
. This will build layered docker image.
To fetch image with kubectl you have to push it to some docker registry. To do so, you can specify you creds in spring-boot-maven-plugin configuration:
Or you can push it manually using docker push
- k8s cluster and kubectl (minikube or kind can be used)
Put url to your image in deploy.yml -> spec.containers.image
Then run kubectl apply -f .k8s/deploy.yml
- installed Concource and cli fly (
Put your credits in .ci/config.yml
Then run fly -t $TARGET set-pipeline -p spring-boot-service -c .ci/pipeline.yml -l .ci/config.yml
- $TARGET is your target alias
- .ci/pipeline.yml is pipeline definition
- .ci/config.yml is variables
Pipeline looks like this: test -> package -> deploy to k8s