Contains the development of a driver for Lunix:TNG, a light-temperature-voltage sensor, in Linux Kernel. This implementation was made for OsLab lecture in NTUA in 2019-2020.
- Download or clone the repository.
- $ make
- With root permission:
- # ./
This script unloads the previous version of the module (if that exists), loads the new one, make the nodes in the /dev directory for the device and finally attaches the lunix line discipline.
- # ./
- (To test basic methods) In another shell as a user:
- $ cat /dev/lunixY-XXXX, where XXXX={temp,light,batt} AND Y=[0,15]
- Open multiple shells and run the above command.
- Additionally check the case where parent and child process read from the same fd.
- (To test ioctl method) In another shell as a user:
- $ ./testIoctl /dev/lunixY-XXXX Z, where XXXX={temp,light,batt}, Y=[0,15] AND Z=0/1 (coocked/raw data)
(to see the XXXX measurement of the Y sensor)
- $ ./testIoctl /dev/lunixY-XXXX Z, where XXXX={temp,light,batt}, Y=[0,15] AND Z=0/1 (coocked/raw data)
- (To test mmap method) In another shell as a user:
- $ ./testMmap /dev/lunixY-XXXX, where XXXX={temp,light,batt}, Y=[0,15]
(to see the XXXX measurement, in RAW bytes, of the Y sensor)
- $ ./testMmap /dev/lunixY-XXXX, where XXXX={temp,light,batt}, Y=[0,15]