PostIt is a fully-featured social media web application, built with the MERN stack.
Deployed at:
- Create, read, update and delete posts
- Like and unlike posts
- Create, reply to, read, update and delete nested comments
- Markdown for posts and comments
- Sign up and login using JWT for authentication
- Private message users in real-time using
- View profiles of users and browse through their posts, liked posts and comments
- Infinite scrolling
- Sort posts by attributes such as like count, comment count and date created
- Profanity filtering and posting/commenting cooldowns
- Update bio which can be viewed by other users
- Search for posts by their title
- View the users who liked a particular post
- Fully responsive layout
- Clone this repository
git clone
- Install dependencies
cd post-it
npm install
cd client
npm install
- Create .env in root directory
cd ..
touch .env
- Configure environment variables in your new .env file. To acquire your MONGO_URI, create a cluster for free over at The TOKEN_KEY is a secret key of your choosing, you can generate one at this site:
- Run the server
npm run server
- Start a new terminal and run react's development server
cd post-it
cd client
npm start