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Terragrunt Modules


We treat this project as an internal "open source" project. Everyone at Nulogy is welcome to submit Pull Requests.

The team responsible for maintaining this project is @nulogy/sre.


When you are happy with your changes:

  1. Add description of changes to the top of the CHANGELOG file, under the ## [Unreleased] section.
  2. Create a Pull Request.
  3. Notify #sre Slack channel for a review.
    • As maintainers, SRE would like to keep up to date with any changes.
  4. Once approved and all comments have been resolved, release a new version.
    • Everyone in Product Development has write access.

Release a new version

  1. Bump the version in versions.env. We use Semantic versions.

  2. Open the CHANGELOG file.

  3. Change ## [Unreleased] to version number and date (e.g. ## [0.11.0] - 2018-04-20)

  4. Remove the headers with no content (e.g. Added, Changed, etc)

  5. Copy the following 'Unreleased' block to the top of the list.

    ## [Unreleased]
    ### Added
    ### Changed
    ### Deprecated
    ### Removed
    ### Fixed
    ### Security
  6. Run ./


We recommend installing the HashiCorp Terraform / HCL language Support plugin