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Quick Start Guide

Patrick Heyer edited this page Nov 1, 2024 · 1 revision


  1. Windows
  2. macOS
  3. Ubuntu


  1. Install the most current version of Visual Studio 17 2022
  2. Configure buildspec.json (see Setting Up Your Project)
  3. Run cmake --preset windows-x64 from the checkout root directory (override any variables per project needs)
  4. Either run cmake --build --preset windows-x64 OR open the solution file created in the build_x64 directory and build the plugin in Visual Studio
    • If a specific configuration is desired, run cmake --build --preset windows-x64 --config <NAME OF CONFIG> instead
  5. Run cmake --install build_x64 --prefix <DESIRED LOCATION> to gather all plugin files for distribution
    • If a specific configuration is desired, add the --config <NAME OF CONFIG> argument as required
  6. Find the plugin files in the prefix location provided in step 5 in a configuration sub-directory ("RelWithDebInfo" by default)
  7. Archive the files in this directory to distribute the plugin


  1. Install the most current version Xcode
  2. Configure buildspec.json (see Setting Up Your Project)
  3. Configure codesigning (see Codesigning on macOS)
  4. Run cmake --preset macos from the checkout root directory (override any variables per project needs)
  5. Either run cmake --build --preset macos OR open the Xcode project file created in the build_macos directory and build the plugin in Xcode
    • If a specific configuration is desired, run cmake --build --preset macos --config <NAME OF CONFIG> instead
  6. Run cmake --install build_macos --prefix <DESIRED LOCATION> to gather all plugin files for distribution
    • If a specific configuration is desired, add the --config <NAME OF CONFIG> argument as required
  7. Find the plugin bundle, DSYM bundle, and package installer in the prefix location provided in step 5 in a configuration sub-directory ("RelWithDebInfo" by default)
  8. Codesign and notarize the package installer (if applicable) and distribute it.
  9. Distribute the plugin bundle and DSYM bundle separately as a compressed archive


  1. Install essential build tools for the build system: sudo apt-get install cmake ninja-build pig-config build-essential
  2. Add the OBS Project PPA repository to the local apt configuration: sudo add-apt-repository --yes ppa:obsproject/obs-studio
  3. Install OBS Studio to get access to a current source distribution: sudo apt-get install obs-studio libgles2-mesa-dev
    • If the plugin requires Qt6 sources, install those as well: sudo apt-get install qt6-base-dev libqt6svg6-dev qt6-base-private-dev
  4. Configure buildspec.json (see Setting Up Your Project)
  5. Run cmake --preset ubuntu-x86_64 from the checkout root directory (override any variables per project needs)
    • If a specific configuration is desired, add -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=<YOUR CONFIG>
    • To change the configuration for the same project, provide a different value as CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE and add --fresh, e.g. cmake --preset ubuntu-x86_64 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=MinSizeRel --fresh
  6. Run cmake --build --preset ubuntu-x86_64 to build the project
  7. Run cmake --install build_x86_64 --prefix <DESIRED LOCATION> to gather all plugin files for distribution
  8. Find the plugin files in the prefix location provided in step 5
  9. Archive the files in this directory to distribute the plugin


  1. Generate a .deb package compatible with Ubuntu: cmake --build --preset ubuntu-x86_64 --target package