Ecommerce using React
- HTML, CSS, Javascript & ReactJS
- Jest and Enzyme
In the project directory, you can run:
npm start
npm test
npm run build
Testing Credit Card Number: 4242 4242 4242 4242
- Users can view all items when entering the website
- Users can view a single item
- Items are displayed properly based on the selected department and category
- Users can search items through search box
- Support paging if we have too many items
- Users can see item details by selecting a specific item
- Users can add items to their shopping carts
- Users can delete items from their shopping carts
- Users can empty items to from shopping carts
- Users can register/login using website custom forms, or social login libraries
- Users can update personal profiles with shipping addresses and other info
- Users can checkout with 3rd party payment gateways: Stripe.
- Olivier Esuka Oesukam