buildscript {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
classpath group: 'de.mirkosertic.bytecoder', name: 'bytecoder-core', version: '2020-12-01'
classpath group: 'com.github.objectprogrammer', name: 'bytecodergradle', version: '2020-12-01'
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'com.github.objectprogrammer.bytecodergradle'
bytecoder {
mainClass = 'com.example.Main'
backend = 'wasm'
group 'com.example'
version '1.0.0'
repositories {
dependencies {
compile group: 'de.mirkosertic.bytecoder', name: 'bytecoder-core', version: '2020-12-01'
mainClass (String) is the only required option.
bytecoder {
mainClass = 'com.example.Main'
buildDirectory = 'bytecoder'
backend = 'js' // or 'wasm' or 'wasm_llvm'
debugOutput = false
exceptionHandling = false
optimizer = 'ALL'
filenamePrefix = 'bytecoder'
wasmInitialPages = 512
wasmMaximumPages = 1024
minify = true
preferStackifier = false
registerAllocator = 'linear' // or 'passthru'
additionalClassesToLink = []
additionalResources = []
llvmOptimizationLevel = 'O2'
escapeAnalysis = false
The plugin itself uses the GPLv3 license, however it also has the Classpath Exception (from the JDK) which allows you to use the library and even embed it in a project with any license. Any changes made to the plugin itself must be open-source.
Note: this is just a summary and shouldn't be used for legal purposes, read the LICENSE file for more information.