This is a simple C++ application to validate credit card numbers. It supports various card types, including Visa, Mastercard, American Express, JCB, Diners Club, and Maestro.
- Validates credit card numbers using the Luhn algorithm
- Checks the length and formatting of the card number
- Identifies the card type based on the number prefix
- Saves valid card numbers and types to a file (
) - Displays a fancy ASCII art output for valid and invalid cards
: Entry point for the application, instantiates theUserInterface
: Declares theCreditCard
, andUserInterface
: Implements the methods declared incredit_card.hpp
Compile the source files:
ommagdum@Oms-MacBook-Air Credit-Card-Validator-Mini-Project-main % g++ main.cpp credit_card.cpp
Run the executable:
ommagdum@Oms-MacBook-Air Credit-Card-Validator-Mini-Project-main % ./a.out
Enter a credit card number when prompted.
The application will validate the card number and identify the card type.
If the card is valid, it will be saved to the
file. -
Enter 'quit' to exit the application.
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__| |____________________Efficient and Secure : C++ Credit Card Validator__| |__
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Welcome to Credit Card Validator!
Enter a credit card number (or 'quit' to exit): 5105105105105100
_____ _____
( ___ ) ( ___ )
| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |
| | __ __) ) ___ ) ___ | |
| | (, ) / /) , /(__/_____) /) , (__/_____) /) | |
| | | / _ // _(/ / __ _ _(/ _/_ / _ __ _(/ | |
| | |/ (_(_(/__(_(_(_ / / (__(/_(_(__(_(__ / (_(_/ (_(_(_ | |
| | | (______) (______) | |
| | | |
| | Credit Card Number : 5105105105105100 | |
| | | |
| | Credit Card Type : Mastercard | |
| | | |
| | Card Saved To File. | |
| | | |
(_____) (_____)
Enter a credit card number (or 'quit' to exit):
- Add unit tests for validation logic
- More robust card type identification
- Ability to validate multiple card numbers in one run