This proxy offers public anonymous omnicore services to anonymous users and is currently for regtest/testnet only. It acts as the backend of OBD and can be deployed on a remote cloud. The motivation is to decouple the lightning node and the full Bitcoin/Omnilayer node, to lower the barriers of OBD deployment.
The mainnet version will be available after omnicore V0.12 is activated.
The complete white-listed interfaces are in:
- mine: mine blocks, regtest only
- send_coin: the faucet sending tokens to an address, regtest/testnet only
- get asset balance
- list assets
- query asset
- create asset
go run whitelist_proxy --btc_host=xx.xx.xx.xx --rpc_user=xx --rpc_passwd=xxx
go run main.go --btc_host=btc_fullnode_ip-xx.xx.xx
web have deployed an omniproxy-server on regtest for developers:
- server domain:
- port: --bitcoin.regtest --bitcoin.node=omnicoreproxy --omnicoreproxy.zmqpubrawblock=tcp:// --omnicoreproxy.zmqpubrawtx=tcp://
- omnicore proxy is a public omnicore-backend, it can be accessed anonymously.
- faucet-swager-api:
- omnicoreproxy-server wallet address:
have enough test-coin to send you. - we issued an asset with id
on the faucet. - the SendCoin api will send you 1 btc and 100 tokens(asset ID = 2147483651).
#send test coin form curl
export assetId=2147483651
curl -X 'GET' \
'$a_address?assetId=$assetId' \
-H 'accept: application/json'
luckpackage and agency fund service The complete interfaces are in: toolrpc/luckPk.proto
go run spay [falgs]