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Nuxt 3 Vuetify Template

This is a Nuxt 3 starter template that comes with the following packages pre-installed:

  • Vuetify for UI components (vuetify-nuxt-module)
  • Three.js (three) for 3D rendering
  • GSAP (gsap) for animations
  • Nuxt Particles (nuxt-particles) for particle effects
  • @mdi/font for Material Design Icons
  • TypeScript and ESLint configured for a better development experience

Additionally, there is an example of a basic portfolio implementation included.

alt text

 ┣ 📂Animation
 ┃ ┣ 📜ModelRender.vue
 ┃ ┣ 📜Particles.vue
 ┃ ┗ 📜TypedText.vue
 ┣ 📂Card
 ┃ ┣ 📜ProjectCard.vue
 ┃ ┗ 📜SkillsCard.vue
 ┣ 📂Form
 ┃ ┗ 📜ContactForm.vue
 ┣ 📂Layout
 ┃ ┣ 📜AppFooter.vue
 ┃ ┗ 📜AppHeader.vue
 ┗ 📂Section
 ┃ ┣ 📜About.vue
 ┃ ┣ 📜Projects.vue
 ┃ ┣ 📜Skills.vue
 ┃ ┗ 📜Timeline.vue

These components can be used to build and customize a simple portfolio layout with sections for about, projects, skills, and a timeline.


To get started, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate into the project directory:

    cd nuxt-vuetify-template
  3. Install the dependencies using Yarn:

  4. Start the development server:

    yarn dev

Build for Production

To build the application for production:

yarn build

After building, you can start the production server:

yarn start


To lint your code, run:

yarn lint

To automatically fix linting issues, run:

yarn lint:fix

Example Portfolio

This template includes an example implementation of a basic portfolio page. You can customize and build upon it to fit your needs.