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CKAN extension for DCAT-AP Switzerland, templates and different plugins for

This extension is deprecated. See for the current code.


  • CKAN 2.6+
  • ckanext-scheming
  • ckanext-fluent

Update translations

To generate a new ckanext-switzerland.pot file use the following command:

vagrant ssh
source /home/vagrant/pyenv/bin/activate
cd /var/www/ckanext/ckanext-switzerland/
python extract_messages

Or follow the official CKAN guide at

All translations are done via Transifex. To compile the po files use the following command:

python compile_catalog


This extension currently provides two paster commands:

Command to cleanup the datastore database.

Datastore currently does not delete tables when the corresponding resource is deleted. This command finds these orphaned tables and deletes its rows to free the space in the database. It is meant to be run regularly by a cronjob.

paster --plugin=ckanext-switzerland ogdch cleanup_datastore -c /var/www/ckan/development.ini

Command to cleanup the harvest jobs.

This commands deletes the harvest jobs and objects per source and overall leaving only the latest n, where n and the source are optional arguments. The command is supposed to be used in a cron job to provide for a regular cleanup of harvest jobs, so that the database is not overloaded with unneeded data of past job runs. It has a dryrun option so that it can be tested what will get be deleted in the database before the actual database changes are performed.

paster --plugin=ckanext-switzerland ogdch cleanup_harvestjobs [{source_id}] [--keep={n}}] [--dryrun] -c /var/www/ckan/development.ini


Swiss Dcat Harvester

The plugin implements a Swiss version of the Dcat Harvester.

Shacl Validation

The Swiss Dcat Harvester offers a validation where the data is tested against a shacl shape graph.

ckanext.switzerland.shacl_command_path = /opt/apache-jena-3.13.1/bin/shacl
ckanext.switzerland.shacl_results_path = /home/liipadmin/shaclresults
ckanext.switzerland.shacl_shapes_path = /home/liipadmin/shaclshapes

The validation is implemented as a command:

paster --plugin=ckanext-switzerland ogdch shacl_validate {source_id} [--shapefile={shapefilename}}] -c /var/www/ckan/development.ini

The command /opt/apache-jena-3.13.1/bin/shacl from is expected to be implemented at ckanext.switzerland.shacl_command_path

All shacl shapes are expected to be in ckanext.switzerland.shacl_shapes_path

There are 3 output files written to ckanext.switzerland.shacl_results_path:

  • they are gathered under a directory <harvest_source_id>
  • data.ttl is the harvest source serialized as turtle
  • result.ttl is the raw output of the apache-jena shacl validation command
  • result.csv is a csv file with all shacl validation errors

The csv file has the following headers:

  • sh_focusnode : SHACL.focusNode
  • sh_path : SHACL.resultPath
  • sh_severity : SHACL.resultSeverity
  • sh_constraint : SHACL.sourceConstraintComponent
  • sh_message : SHACL.resultMessage
  • sh_detail : SHACL.resultDetail
  • sh_shape : SHACL.sourceShape
  • sh_value: SHACL.value
  • harvest_source_id: harvest_source_id
  • parseerror: parse errors that occurred


To install ckanext-switzerland:

  1. Activate your CKAN virtual environment, for example:

    . /usr/lib/ckan/default/bin/activate

  2. Install the ckanext-switzerland Python package into your virtual environment:

    pip install ckanext-switzerland

  3. Add switzerland to the ckan.plugins setting in your CKAN config file (by default the config file is located at /etc/ckan/default/production.ini).

  4. Restart CKAN. For example if you've deployed CKAN with Apache on Ubuntu:

    sudo service apache2 reload

Config Settings

This extension uses the following config options (.ini file)

# the URL of the WordPress AJAX interface
ckanext.switzerland.wp_ajax_url =

# number of harvest jobs to keep per harvest source when cleaning up harvest objects   
ckanext.switzerland.number_harvest_jobs_per_source = 2

# piwik config
piwik.site_id = 1
piwik.url =

Development Installation

To install ckanext-switzerland for development, activate your CKAN virtualenv and do:

git clone
cd ckanext-switzerland
python develop
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt

Update Format-Mapping

To update the Format-Mapping edit the mapping.yaml, following the YAML-Syntax. You can check if your changes are valid by pasting the contents of the required changes into a Syntax-Checker, e.g. YAML Syntax-Checker. Submit a Pull-Request following our Contribution-Guidelines.