This repository enables performance comparisons between optimization modeling environments. Although runtime performance is often a consideration for optimization solvers, scalable modeling environments are often needed for large-scale applications. This repository includes modeling formulations for a variety of optimization applications, using the following modeling environments:
- COEK (a C++ modeling environment similar to Gurobi's) (see
- Gurobi C++
- Gurobi Python
- JuMP
- or-tools Python (see
- or-tools C++ (to appear)
- POEK (a Python interface to COEK) (see
- PuLP
- Pyomo (see
- For specific applications, not all modeling environments may be included, though this is a long-term goal for this effort.
- Every effort has been made to make these best-case exemplars for each modeling environment, and we encourage contributions where models can be improved.
The optimization applications are organized into the following sub-directories:
- These applications were included as supplementary materials and code for "JuMP: A Modeling Language for Mathematical Optimization" by I. Dunning, J. Huchette, and M. Lubin. See the old README for details.
- Note that changes have been made to some of these examples to ensure consistency between the modeling formulations, or to provide better exemplars for given modeling environments.
- These applications are used by Sandia's optimization researchers to evaluate the scalability of modeling environments.
- These large CUTE models illustrate scalability challenges for modeling environments.
This repository includes several categories of performance tests:
construct: Tests that construct a model and call a solver to setup the solver data structures
solve: Tests that construct and solve a model, which tests the time needed to process solver output
resolve: Tests that iteratively resolve a problem whose parameters change
Note that the testing methodology used here differs somewhat from the approach used in the JuMP paper. The testing scripts measure the user time, which is not influenced by other processes running on the testing computer. Additionally, the construct tests measure the total time to complete a calculation, which includes truncated solver executions. For example, we include the time to execute Gurobi using a timelimit of zero seconds for Gurobi's solver. These changes allow the performance tests to be automated in a reliable manner, but they do not change the gross performance characteristics observed in previous experimental comparisons.
The following results determine the runtimes for the creation in the different modeling tools and languages for specific problems.
Runtime Performance (seconds)
Modeling | 160 | 320 | 640 | 1280 |
coek | 0.12 | 0.52 | 2.26 | 9.25 |
gurobi | 0.11 | 0.44 | 1.82 | 7.47 |
gurobipy | 0.51 | 2.09 | 12.37 | 44.23 |
ortoolspy | 0.65 | 2.85 | 12.84 | 55.12 |
pulp | 2.15 | 8.4 | 38.76 | 161.57 |
poek | 1.3 | 3.94 | timeout | timeout |
pp | 3.98 | timeout | timeout | timeout |
pyomo1 | 3.54 | timeout | timeout | timeout |
Each test problem directory contains a number of BASH scripts that can be used to execute performance tests. By default, these scripts require no options. For example, to compile and run the gurobi executable, you would do the following:
cd pmedian
This creates a summary file, gurobi.csv
, which shows the runtime for the Gurobi on this test problem for different problem sizes. The file also indicates a status:
- ok: The test ran normally
- error: The test ended with an error
- timelimit: The test ended because it ran out of time.
By default, tests run for 600 seconds (10 minutes) before they are
terminated. The user can set the TEST_TIMEOUT
environmental variable to
an integer value specifying the number of seconds used by the timeout
The BASH scripts that test python modeling environments accept an optimal argument that can be used to provide some context for the testing results. For example, if Python 3.7 is being used to test Pyomo, then the use might type:
./ py37
This creates the summary file pyomo1_py37.csv
, and this tag is included
in the file to allow comparison for different tests.
script can be used to generate tabular summaries of the performance
tests for a specific problem. For example, if tests have been run for the pmedian
test problem, then the command
python pmedian
will process the CSV files in the pmedian
directory and summarize their results and output the result table to terminal.