To build Oraichain Studio whenever a file changes run:
# run test crates
cargo test --package rust-pack --lib --release -- tests::initialize_state --exact --nocapture
# build rust
wasm-pack build crates/ra-wasm --target web
# for hot-reload in development, default is both: --output=rust&json
cargo run -p rust-pack --release -- ../cosmwasm --toolchain +1.51.0
# change toolchain for lib and install source code to reference
rustup toolchain add 1.51.0 --profile minimal && rustup +1.51.0 component add rust-src
# or using source code, should be version >= 1.47.0, minimum support is 1.42.0
svn export rust_library/1.47.0
cargo run -p rust-pack --release -- ../cosmwasm --toolchain rust_library/1.47.0 --output rust
# to build client
# rebuild template
yarn templates
yarn build
SERVICE_URL=http://localhost:3000 yarn start
Before submitting a pull request run:
yarn test
This project depends on several excellent libraries and tools:
Monaco Editor is used for rich text editing, tree views and context menus.
WebAssembly Binary Toolkit is used to assemble and disassemble
files. -
Binaryen is used to validate and optimize
files. -
Clang Format is used to format C/C++ files.
Cassowary.js is used to make split panes work.
Showdown is used to automatically preview
files. -
Capstone.js is used to disassemble
code. -
LLVM, Rust, Emscripten running server side.
And of course: React, WebPack, TypeScript and TSLint.