Latest release: 1.3.3 Changelog | Docker Hub
A Debian 10 (Buster) based docker image to build reliable image quickly. This image provide a simple opinionated solution to build multiple or single process image with minimum of layers and an optimized build.
The aims of this image is to be used as a base for your own Docker images. It's base on the awesome work of: phusion/baseimage-docker
Other base distribution are available:
- Alpine | Docker Hub |
Table of Contents
- osixia/light-baseimage
- Contributing
- Overview
- Quick Start
- Images Based On Light-Baseimage
- Image Assets
- Advanced User Guide
- Changelog
If you find this image useful here's how you can help:
- Send a pull request with your kickass new features and bug fixes
- Help new users with issues they may encounter
- Support the development of this image and star this repo!
This image takes all the advantages of phusion/baseimage-docker but makes programs optional which allow more lightweight images and single process images. It also define simple directory structure and files to quickly set how a program (here called service) is installed, setup and run.
So major features are:
- Greats building tools to minimize the image number of layers and optimize image build.
- Simple way to install services and multiple process image stacks (runit, cron, syslog-ng-core and logrotate) if needed.
- Getting environment variables from .yaml and .json files.
- Special environment files .startup.yaml and .startup.json deleted after image startup files first execution to keep the image setup secret.
This image use four directories:
- /container/environment: for environment files.
- /container/service: for services to install, setup and run.
- /container/service-available: for service that may be on demand downloaded, installed, setup and run.
- /container/tool: for image tools.
By the way at run time another directory is created:
- /container/run: To store container run environment, state, startup files and process to run based on files in /container/environment and /container/service directories.
But this will be dealt with in the following section.
This section define a service directory that can be added in /container/service or /container/service-available.
- my-service: root directory
- my-service/ install script (not mandatory).
- my-service/ startup script to setup the service when the container start (not mandatory).
- my-service/ process to run (not mandatory).
- my-service/ finish script run when the process script exit (not mandatory).
- my-service/... add whatever you need!
Ok that's pretty all to know to start building our first images!
For this example we are going to perform a basic nginx install.
See complete example in: example/single-process-image
First we create the directory structure of the image:
- single-process-image: root directory
- single-process-image/service: directory to store the nginx service.
- single-process-image/environment: environment files directory.
- single-process-image/Dockerfile: the Dockerfile to build this image.
service and environment directories name are arbitrary and can be changed but make sure to adapt their name everywhere and especially in the Dockerfile.
Let's now create the nginx service directory:
- single-process-image/service/nginx: service root directory
- single-process-image/service/nginx/ service installation script.
- single-process-image/service/nginx/ startup script to setup the service when the container start.
- single-process-image/service/nginx/ process to run.
In the Dockerfile we are going to:
Download nginx from apt-get.
Add the service directory to the image.
Install service and clean up.
Add the environment directory to the image.
Define ports exposed and volumes if needed.
# Use osixia/light-baseimage # FROM osixia/light-baseimage:1.3.3 # Download nginx from apt-get and clean apt-get files RUN apt-get -y update \ && LC_ALL=C DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \ nginx \ && apt-get clean \ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/* # Add service directory to /container/service ADD service /container/service # Use baseimage install-service script # RUN /container/tool/install-service # Add default env directory ADD environment /container/environment/99-default # Set /var/www/ in a data volume VOLUME /var/www/ # Expose default http and https ports EXPOSE 80 443
The Dockerfile contains directives to download nginx from apt-get but all the initial setup will take place in file (called by /container/tool/install-service tool) for a better build experience. The time consuming download task is decoupled from the initial setup to make great use of docker build cache. If file is changed the builder won't have to download again nginx, and will just run install scripts.
This file must only contain directives for the service initial setup. Files download and apt-get command takes place in the Dockerfile for a better image building experience (see Dockerfile).
In this example, for the initial setup we just delete the default nginx debian index file and create a custom index.html:
#!/bin/bash -e
# this script is run during the image build
rm -rf /var/www/html/index.nginx-debian.html
echo "Hi!" > /var/www/html/index.html
Make sure can be executed (chmod +x
Note: The script is run during the docker build so run time environment variables can't be used to customize the setup. This is done in the file.
This file is used to make ready to be run and customize the service setup based on run time environment.
For example at run time we would like to introduce ourselves so we will use an environment variable WHO_AM_I set by command line with --env. So we add WHO_AM_I value to index.html file but we want to do that only on the first container start because on restart the index.html file will already contains our name:
#!/bin/bash -e
# container first start
if [ ! -e "$FIRST_START_DONE" ]; then
echo "I'm ${WHO_AM_I}." >> /var/www/html/index.html
exit 0
Make sure can be executed (chmod +x
As you can see we use CONTAINER_STATE_DIR variable, it contains the directory where container state is saved, this variable is automatically set by run tool. Refer to the Advanced User Guide for more information.
This file define the command to run:
#!/bin/bash -e
exec /usr/sbin/nginx -g "daemon off;"
Make sure can be executed (chmod +x
Caution: The command executed must start a foreground process otherwise the container will immediately stops.
That why we run nginx with -g "daemon off;"
That's it we have a single process image that run nginx! We could already build and test this image but two more minutes to take advantage of environment files!
Let's create two files:
- single-process-image/environment/default.yaml
- single-process-image/environment/default.startup.yaml
File name default.yaml and default.startup.yaml can be changed as you want. Also in this example we are going to use yaml files but json files works too.
default.yaml file define variables that can be used at any time in the container environment:
WHO_AM_I: We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.
default.startup.yaml define variables that are only available during the container first start in startup files. *.startup.yaml are deleted right after startup files are processed for the first time, then all variables they contains will not be available in the container environment.
This helps to keep the container configuration secret. If you don't care all environment variables can be defined in default.yaml and everything will work fine.
But for this tutorial we will add a variable to this file:
FIRST_START_SETUP_ONLY_SECRET: The database password is KawaaahBounga
And try to get its value in script:
#!/bin/bash -e
# container first start
if [ ! -e "$FIRST_START_DONE" ]; then
echo ${WHO_AM_I} >> /var/www/html/index.html
echo "The secret is: $FIRST_START_SETUP_ONLY_SECRET"
exit 0
And in script:
#!/bin/bash -e
echo "The secret is: $FIRST_START_SETUP_ONLY_SECRET"
exec /usr/sbin/nginx -g "daemon off;"
Ok it's time for the show!
Build the image:
docker build -t example/single-process --rm .
Start a new container:
docker run -p 8080:80 example/single-process
Inspect the output and you should see that the secret is present in startup script:
*** Running /container/run/startup/nginx...
The secret is: The database password is Baw0unga!
And the secret is not defined in the process:
*** Remove file /container/environment/99-default/default.startup.yaml [...]
*** Running /container/run/process/nginx/run...
The secret is:
Yes in this case it's not really useful to have a secret variable like this, but a concrete example can be found in osixia/openldap image. The admin password is available in clear text during the container first start to create a new ldap database where it is saved encrypted. After that the admin password is not available in clear text in the container environment.
Ok let's check our name now, go to http://localhost:8080/
You should see:
Hi! We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.
And finally, let's say who we really are, stop the previous container (ctrl+c or ctrl+d) and start a new one:
docker run --env WHO_AM_I="I'm Jon Snow, what?! i'm dead?" \
-p 8080:80 example/single-process
Refresh http://localhost:8080/ and you should see:
Hi! I'm Jon Snow, what?! i'm dead?
Let's create two new environment files:
- single-process-image/test-custom-env/env.yaml
- single-process-image/test-custom-env/env.startup.yaml
WHO_AM_I: I'm bobby.
FIRST_START_SETUP_ONLY_SECRET: The database password is KawaaahB0unga!!!
And we mount them at run time:
docker run --volume $PWD/test-custom-env:/container/environment/01-custom \
-p 8080:80 example/single-process
Take care to link your environment files folder to /container/environment/XX-somedir
(with XX < 99 so they will be processed before default environment files) and not directly to /container/environment
because this directory contains predefined baseimage environment files to fix container environment (INITRD, LANG, LANGUAGE and LC_CTYPE).
In the output:
*** Running /container/run/startup/nginx...
The secret is: The database password is KawaaahB0unga!!!
Refresh http://localhost:8080/ and you should see:
Hi! I'm bobby.
This example takes back the single process image example and add php7.0-fpm to run php scripts.
See complete example in: example/multiple-process-image
Note: it would have been ♪ harder, faster, better, stronger ♪ to extends the previous image but to make things easier we just copied files.
So here the image directory structure:
- multiple-process-image: root directory
- multiple-process-image/service: directory to store the nginx and php7.0-fpm service.
- multiple-process-image/environment: environment files directory.
- multiple-process-image/Dockerfile: the Dockerfile to build this image.
service and environment directories name are arbitrary and can be changed but make sure to adapt their name in the Dockerfile.
Let's now create the nginx and php directories:
multiple-process-image/service/nginx: nginx root directory
multiple-process-image/service/nginx/ service installation script.
multiple-process-image/service/nginx/ startup script to setup the service when the container start.
multiple-process-image/service/nginx/ process to run.
multiple-process-image/service/php: php root directory
multiple-process-image/service/php/ service installation script.
multiple-process-image/service/php/ process to run.
multiple-process-image/service/php/config/default: default nginx server config with
In the Dockerfile we are going to:
Add the multiple process stack
Download nginx and php7.0-fpm from apt-get.
Add the service directory to the image.
Install service and clean up.
Add the environment directory to the image.
Define ports exposed and volumes if needed.
# Use osixia/light-baseimage # FROM osixia/light-baseimage:1.3.3 # Install multiple process stack, nginx and php7.0-fpm and clean apt-get files # RUN apt-get -y update \ && /container/tool/add-multiple-process-stack \ && LC_ALL=C DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \ nginx \ php7.0-fpm \ && apt-get clean \ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/* # Add service directory to /container/service ADD service /container/service # Use baseimage install-service script # RUN /container/tool/install-service # Add default env directory ADD environment /container/environment/99-default # Set /var/www/ in a data volume VOLUME /var/www/ # Expose default http and https ports EXPOSE 80 443
The Dockerfile contains directives to download nginx and php7.0-fpm from apt-get but all the initial setup will take place in file (called by /container/tool/install-service tool) for a better build experience. The time consuming download task is decoupled from the initial setup to make great use of docker build cache. If an file is changed the builder will not have to download again nginx and php7.0-fpm add will just run install scripts.
Maybe you already read that in the previous example ?Sorry.
Please refer to single process image for the nginx service files description. Here just php service files are described.
This file must only contains directives for the service initial setup. Files download and apt-get command takes place in the Dockerfile for a better image building experience (see Dockerfile ).
In this example, for the initial setup we set some php default configuration, replace the default nginx server config and add phpinfo.php file:
#!/bin/bash -e
# this script is run during the image build
# config
sed -i -e "s/expose_php = On/expose_php = Off/g" /etc/php/7.0/fpm/php.ini
sed -i -e "s/;cgi.fix_pathinfo=1/cgi.fix_pathinfo=0/g" /etc/php/7.0/fpm/php.ini
sed -i -e "s/;listen.owner = www-data/listen.owner = www-data/g" /etc/php/7.0/fpm/php.ini
sed -i -e "s/; = www-data/ = www-data/g" /etc/php/7.0/fpm/php.ini
# create php socket directory
mkdir -p /run/php
# replace default website with php service default website
cp -f /container/service/php/config/default /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
# create phpinfo.php
echo "<?php phpinfo(); " > /var/www/html/phpinfo.php
Make sure can be executed (chmod +x
This file define the command to run:
#!/bin/bash -e
exec /usr/sbin/php-fpm7.0 --nodaemonize
Make sure can be executed (chmod +x
Caution: The command executed must start a foreground process otherwise runit (use to supervise multiple process images) will keep restarting php-fpm7.0.
That why we run php with --nodaemonize"
##### config/default nginx server configuration:
server {
listen 80 default_server;
listen [::]:80 default_server;
root /var/www/html;
# Add index.php to the list if you are using PHP
index index.html index.htm index.nginx-debian.html;
server_name _;
location / {
# First attempt to serve request as file, then
# as directory, then fall back to displaying a 404.
try_files $uri $uri/ =404;
location ~ \.php$ {
fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$;
# With php fpm:
fastcgi_pass unix:/run/php/php7.0-fpm.sock;
fastcgi_index index.php;
include fastcgi_params;
include fastcgi.conf;
That's it we have a multiple process image that run nginx and php!
Build the image:
docker build -t example/multiple-process --rm .
Start a new container:
docker run -p 8080:80 example/multiple-process
Go to http://localhost:8080/phpinfo.php
phpinfo should be printed
So we have a container with two process supervised by runit running in our container!
Single process images:
- osixia/openldap
- osixia/keepalived
- osixia/tinc
- osixia/registry-ldap-auth
- osixia/cfssl-multirootca
- osixia/backup
- osixia/backup-manager
- osixia/mmc-agent
Multiple process images:
- osixia/openldap-backup
- osixia/mariadb
- osixia/wordpress
- osixia/roundcube
- osixia/piwik
- osixia/phpMyAdmin
- osixia/phpLDAPadmin
- osixia/keepalived-confd
- osixia/tinc-etcd
- osixia/postfix-gateway-confd
- osixia/mmc-mail
- osixia/mmc-web
Image adding light-baseimage tools to an existing image
Send me a message to add your image in this list.
All container tools are available in /container/tool
directory and are linked in /sbin/
so they belong to the container PATH.
Filename | Description |
run | The run tool is defined as the image ENTRYPOINT (see Dockerfile). It set environment and run startup scripts and images process. More information in the Advanced User Guide. |
setuser | A tool for running a command as another user. Easier to use than su, has a smaller attack vector than sudo, and unlike chpst this tool sets $HOME correctly. |
log-helper | A simple bash tool to print message base on the log level. |
add-service-available | A tool to download and add services in service-available directory to the regular service directory. |
add-multiple-process-stack | A tool to add the multiple process stack: runit, cron syslog-ng-core and logrotate. |
install-service | A tool that execute /container/service/ and /container/service/*/ scripts. |
complex-bash-env | A tool to iterate trough complex bash environment variables created by the run tool when a table or a list was set in environment files or in environment command line argument. |
Name | Description |
:runit | Replaces Debian's Upstart. Used for service supervision and management. Much easier to use than SysV init and supports restarting daemons when they crash. Much easier to use and more lightweight than Upstart. This service is part of the multiple-process-stack. |
:cron | Cron daemon. This service is part of the multiple-process-stack. |
:syslog-ng-core | Syslog daemon so that many services - including the kernel itself - can correctly log to /var/log/syslog. If no syslog daemon is running, a lot of important messages are silently swallowed. Only listens locally. All syslog messages are forwarded to "docker logs". This service is part of the multiple-process-stack. |
:logrotate | Rotates and compresses logs on a regular basis. This service is part of the multiple-process-stack. |
:ssl-tools | Add CFSSL a CloudFlare PKI/TLS swiss army knife. It's a command line tool for signing, verifying, and bundling TLS certificates. Comes with cfssl-helper tool that make it docker friendly by taking command line parameters from environment variables. Also add jsonssl-helper to get certificates from json files, parameters are set by environment variables. |
A service-available is basically a normal service expect that it is in the service-available
directory and have a
To add a service-available to the current image use the add-service-available
tool. It will process the file of services given in argument and move them to the regular service directory (/container/service).
After that the service-available will be process like regular services.
Here simple Dockerfile example how to add a service-available to an image:
# Use osixia/light-baseimage
FROM osixia/light-baseimage:1.3.3
# Add cfssl and cron service-available
RUN apt-get -y update \
&& /container/tool/add-service-available :ssl-tools :cron \
&& LC_ALL=C DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
nginx \
Note: Most of predefined service available start with a :
to make sure they are installed before regular services (so they can be used by regular services). The install-service tool process services in /container/service in alphabetical order.
To create a service-available just create a regular service, add a file to set how the needed content is downloaded and add it to /container/service-available directory. The script is not mandatory if nothing need to be downloaded.
For example a simple image example that add service-available to this baseimage: osixia/web-baseimage
For some reasons you will probably have to mount custom files to your container. For example in the mutliple process image example you can customise the nginx config by mounting your custom config to "/container/service/php/config/default" :
docker run -v /data/my-nginx-config:/container/service/php/config/default example/multiple-process
In this case every thing should work fine, but if the startup script makes some sed
replacement or change file owner and permissions this can results in "Device or resource busy" error. See Docker documentation.
sed -i "s|listen 80|listen 8080|g" /container/service/php/config/default
To prevent that king of error light-baseimage provide --copy-service command argument :
docker run -v /data/my-nginx-config:/container/service/php/config/default example/multiple-process --copy-service
On startup this will copy all /container/service directory to /container/run/service.
At run time you can get the container service directory with CONTAINER_SERVICE_DIR
environment variable.
If --copy-service is used CONTAINER_SERVICE_DIR=/container/run/service otherwise CONTAINER_SERVICE_DIR=/container/service
So to always apply sed on the correct file in the startup script the command becomes :
sed -i "s|listen 80|listen 8080|g" ${CONTAINER_SERVICE_DIR}/php/config/default
This image has a configuration to prevent documentation and locales to be installed from base distribution packages repositories to make it more lightweight as possible. If you need the doc and locales remove the following files : /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/01_nodoc and /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/01_nolocales
The run tool is defined as the image ENTRYPOINT (see Dockerfile). It's the core tool of this image.
What it does:
- Setup the run directory
- Set the startup files environment
- Run startup files
- Set process environment
- Run process
Run tool takes several options, to list them:
docker run osixia/light-baseimage:1.3.3 --help
usage: run [-h] [-e] [-s] [-p] [-f] [-o {startup,process,finish}]
[-c COMMAND [WHEN={startup,process,finish} ...]] [-k]
[--wait-state FILENAME] [--wait-first-startup] [--keep-startup-env]
[--copy-service] [--dont-touch-etc-hosts] [--keepalive]
[--keepalive-force] [-l {none,error,warning,info,debug,trace}]
Initialize the system.
positional arguments:
MAIN_COMMAND The main command to run, leave empty to only run
container process.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-e, --skip-env-files Skip getting environment values from environment
-s, --skip-startup-files
Skip running /container/run/startup/* and
/container/run/ file(s).
-p, --skip-process-files
Skip running container process file(s).
-f, --skip-finish-files
Skip running container finish file(s).
-o {startup,process,finish}, --run-only {startup,process,finish}
Run only this file type and ignore others.
-c COMMAND [WHEN={startup,process,finish} ...], --cmd COMMAND [WHEN={startup,process,finish} ...]
Run this command before WHEN file(s). Default before
startup file(s).
-k, --no-kill-all-on-exit
Don't kill all processes on the system upon exiting.
--wait-state FILENAME
Wait until the container state file exists in
/container/run/state directory before starting.
Usefull when 2 containers share /container/run
directory via volume.
--wait-first-startup Wait until the first startup is done before starting.
Usefull when 2 containers share /container/run
directory via volume.
--keep-startup-env Don't remove ('.startup.yaml', '.startup.json')
environment files after startup scripts.
--copy-service Copy /container/service to /container/run/service.
Help to fix docker mounted files problems.
Don't add in /etc/hosts a line with the container ip
and $HOSTNAME environment variable value.
--keepalive Keep alive container if all startup files and process
exited without error.
--keepalive-force Keep alive container in all circonstancies.
-l {none,error,warning,info,debug,trace}, --loglevel {none,error,warning,info,debug,trace}
Log level (default: info)
Osixia! Light Baseimage:
Run tool will create if they not exists the following directories:
- /container/run/state
- /container/run/environment
- /container/run/startup
- /container/run/process
- /container/run/service
At the container first start it will search in /container/service or /container/run/service (if --copy-service option is used) all image's services.
In a service directory for example /container/service/my-service:
- If a file is found, the file is linked to /container/run/startup/my-service
- If a file is found, the file is linked to /container/run/process/my-service/run
Run tool takes all file in /container/environment/* and import the variables values to the container environment. The container environment is then exported to /container/run/environment and in /container/run/
Run tool iterate trough /container/run/startup/* directory in alphabetical order and run scripts. After each time run tool runs a startup script, it resets its own environment variables to the state in /container/run/environment, and re-dumps the new environment variables to /container/run/
After all startup script run tool run /container/run/ if exists.
##### Process environment setup Run tool delete all .startup.yaml and .startup.json in /container/environment/* and clear the previous run environment (/container/run/environment is removed) Then it takes all remaining file in /container/environment/* and import the variables values to the container environment. The container environment is then exported to /container/run/environment and in /container/run/
Run tool execute the unique /container/run/process/service-name/run file.
If a main command is set for example:
docker run -it osixia/openldap:1.4.0 bash
Run tool will execute the single process and the main command. If the main command exits the container exits. This is useful to debug or image development purpose.
In a multiple process image run tool execute runit witch supervise /container/run/process directory and start all services automatically. Runit will also relaunched them if they failed.
If a main command is set for example:
docker run -it osixia/phpldapadmin:0.9.0 bash
run tool will execute runit and the main command. If the main command exits the container exits. This is still useful to debug or image development purpose.
If a main command is set run tool launch it otherwise bash is launched. Example:
docker run -it osixia/light-baseimage:1.3.3
run tool add 3 variables to the container environment:
- CONTAINER_STATE_DIR: /container/run/state
- CONTAINER_SERVICE_DIR: the container service directory. By default: /container/service but if the container is started with --copy-service option: /container/run/service
- CONTAINER_LOG_LEVEL: log level set by --loglevel option defaults to: 3 (info)
This tool is a simple utility based on the CONTAINER_LOG_LEVEL variable to print leveled log messages.
For example if the log level is info:
log-helper info hello
will echo:
log-helper debug i'm bob
will echo nothing.
log-helper support piped input:
echo "Heyyyyy" | log-helper info
Log message functions usage: log-helper error|warning|info|debug|trace message
You can also test the log level with the level function:
log-helper level eq info && echo "log level is infos"
for example this will echo "log level is trace" if log level is trace.
Level function usage: log-helper level eq|ne|gt|ge|lt|le none|error|warning|info|debug|trace
With light-baseimage you can set bash environment variable from .yaml and .json files. But bash environment variables can't store complex objects such as table that can be defined in yaml or json files, that's why they are converted to "complex bash environment variables" and complex-bash-env tool help getting those variables values easily.
For example the following yaml file:
- orange
- apple
will produce this bash environment variables:
(this is done by run tool)
complex-bash-env make it easy to iterate trough this variable:
for fruit in $(complex-bash-env iterate FRUITS)
echo ${!fruit}
A more complete example can be found osixia/phpLDAPadmin image.
Note this yaml definition:
- orange
- apple
Can also be set by command line converted in python or json:
docker run -it --env FRUITS="#PYTHON2BASH:['orange','apple']" osixia/light-baseimage:1.3.3 printenv
docker run -it --env FRUITS="#JSON2BASH:[\"orange\",\"apple\"]" osixia/light-baseimage:1.3.3 printenv
We use Bats (Bash Automated Testing System) to test this image:
Install Bats, and in this project directory run:
make test
Please refer to: