This is a simple plugin that allows you to pick words from the buffer to insert on the command line (for substitute and global).
return {
opts = {
add_mappings = true, -- add <tab> mapping automatically
use { 'otavioschwanck/telescope-cmdline-word.nvim', config = function()
add_mappings = true, -- add <tab> mapping automatically
end }
if you don't want to add mapping automatically, you can disable it with add_mappings = false
and setting the map manually:
vim.keymap.set("c", "<tab>", require("telescope-cmdline-word.picker").find_word, { silent = true, noremap = true })
Just press tab when on substitute (%s/) or global (g/).
find_word_function = function() ... end, -- function that return all words from buffer. You can pass any other function that return a list of strings.
picker_options = {}, -- options for the telescope picker.
wildchar_new_map = "<C-t>", -- this plugin needs to remap wildchar to another key to use on tab.
wildchar_map = "<Tab>", -- key to be mapped to toggle the window.
enabled_regexp = {}, -- see at lua/telescope-cmdline-word/init.lua:8 for examples. This is an array of regexp for what else commands should be enabled to use the word finder.
dont_use_ivy_theme = false, -- by default, this plugin use ivy theme.
This plugin works well with search-replace.nvim