The goal of this project is to demostrate my coding skills on a quite simple example. This application can read a list of product items that matches some search criteria from Zalando site and save them to some storage. Also there is a possibility to read previously stored data for further analisys (e.g. monitoring the price fluctuation for some products).
Usage example:
reads data about "snowboots" from portal and saves these data to "sboots.csv" file
mvn clean compile exec:java -Dwebhost= -Dstorage.label=sboots.csv -Dsection=snowboots
reads previously saved data from "sboots.csv"
mvn clean compile exec:java -Dmode=read -Dstorage.label=sboots.csv
default parameters - reads data about maksi skirts from British Zalando and saves to "output.csv" file
mvn clean compile exec:java from
default parameters - reads saved data "output.csv" file
mvn clean compile exec:java -Dmode=read