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Repository files navigation


A simple rails application with an API and a simple web interface to upload & host static files (Images, Fonts) or any other files with Google Firebase for free (refer limits).

Deploying your own

  1. Create a firebase project - Firebase Console.

  2. Create a default storage bucket

    • Click Develop > Storage > Get Started > Next > Choose Location > Done
  3. Download the credentials json file with private key from firebase console.

    • Click Settings Icon > Project Settings > Service Accounts > Generate new private key > Generate key
  4. Clone this repository

    git clone
  5. Set the environment variable STORAGE_CREDENTIALS with the content of the downloaded json file

  6. Run the server using rails s or deploy how you would deploy any other rails app

Using the API

Create a post request to /upload with the file in the multipart form data body


response =
	body: {
json = JSON.parse(response.body)
puts json["url"]  # => ""