This is my personal NeoVim configuration, utilizing the Lazy plugin manager for easy and efficient plugin management.
Make sure NeoVim is installed on your system.
Clone this repository to your NeoVim configuration directory. This is usually located at
on Unix-like systems.git clone ~/.config/nvim
Open NeoVim:
Install plugins using Lazy by running the following command inside NeoVim:
Lazy will automatically fetch and install the plugins specified in your configuration.
Lazy Plugin Manager: Efficiently manage your plugins with Lazy, a lightweight plugin manager for NeoVim.
Customized Settings: Tailor the configuration to fit your workflow. Feel free to explore and modify the settings in
based on your preferences. -
Easy Plugin Updates: Keep your plugins up-to-date by running
within NeoVim.
- mason: LSP installation and management
- tree-sitter: Syntax Highlighting
- toggle term: Integrated Terminal
- which key: Configurable key binding legend
- noe tree: file tree system
- nvim java: Java lsp setup
- nvim cmp: snippets and lsp completions
- mason: LSP manager
- telescope: Fuzzy Finder
- format on save: Configurable auto formatting on save
- auto save: Configurable auto save trigger
- comment: Comments code with ease
- indent blank line: Configurable identation
- undotree: Undo history visualizer
- auto-pairs: Configurable auto-pairs
- ufo: Configurable code folding
- bufferline: Enable tabs in nvim
- harpoon: Quick Navigation
Feel free to explore and customize the configuration further. You can add or remove plugins, tweak key mappings, or adjust settings according to your needs.
If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request. Contributions are welcome!
Happy coding!