- Responsive website that allows users to search for the people and work of Congress using the Sunlight Foundation JSON APIs.
- Developed as per the MVC architecture with HTML5 and AngularJS for front-end, PHP for back-end and HTML5 local storage for data persistence.
- Implemented AngularJS pagination, sorting, filtering and http for data manipulation.
- Utilized Bootstrap grid systems and CSS3 media queries for responsiveness.
- Deployed on Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud.
Website: http://bit.ly/2xNORep
Desktop: https://youtu.be/chPZuPV5Sw8
Mobile: https://youtu.be/-izwkSrYtoQ bean Core Technology: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, AJAX, AngularJS, jQuery, Bootstrap, PHP, REST, JSON, AWS (Amazon Elastic Beanstalk).