is an ODM (Object-Document-Mapper) framework for use with Basho Data
Platform (BDP) Cache Proxy and Riak KV.
CRUD operations are encapsulated at the controller- and model-level for relatively
smooth mixin for use in a rails
or leaner ruby
application framework.
BDP Cache Proxy provides the majority of the underlying interface to the data layer. Redis acts as the cache layer while Riak provides availability with partition tolerance. Riak Search is also used to provide the Index operation (the silent I in CRUD).
- Ruby
- 1.9.3, 2.0, 2.1, and 2.2 are supported. JRuby in 1.9 and 2.0 modes are also supported.
- BDP Cache Proxy
- Depends on write-around and read-through caching, so BDP EE 1.1.0+ .
- Riak KV
- Depends on basic KV and Riak Search, so Riak KV v.2.0.0+ . Ensure Riak Search is enabled.
Development dependencies are handled with bundler. Install bundler
(gem install bundler
), if not present.
bundle install
RSpec is generally run without coverage analysis.
rake spec
To enable coverage analysis, run with the 'CI' environment variable set.
CI=1 rake spec
Since rrrmatey
uses BDP Cache Proxy which speaks a subset of the Redis protocol,
a redis
client should be configured with one or more host entries corresponding
to the BDP Cache Proxies.
Similarly, the riak
client is used for Riak Search.
In both cases, the use of connection_pool
is recommended.
The following example captures the essential elements of configuration. However, for a Rails application, the connection details should be in environment-specific files to avoid leaking production credentials.
require 'rrrmatey'
require 'connection_pool'
RRRMatey::StringModel.cache_proxy = RRRMatey::Retryable.new(
ConnectionPool.new(:size => 5, :timeout => 5) {
Redis.new(:host => '', :port => 22122)
RRRMatey::StringModel.riak = RRRMatey::Retryable.new(
ConnectionPool.new(:size => 5, :timeout => 5) {
Riak::Client.new(:nodes => [
{:host => '', :pb_port => 10017},
{:host => '', :pb_port => 10027},
{:host => '', :pb_port => 10037},
{:host => '', :pb_port => 10047},
{:host => '', :pb_port => 10057},
To provide a shipworthy example, the models for Pirate and Vessel including a relation for aboard follows:
class Pirate
include ::RRRMatey::StringModel
field :name, :type => :string
field :created, :type => :date, :default => Date.new(1970, 1, 1)
field :aboard, :type => :string
def valid?
valid_name? &&
def valid_name?
def valid_created?
!created.nil? && created < Date.today - 14 * 365.25
class Vessel
include ::RRRMatey::StringModel
field :name, :type => :string
def valid?
def boardings(offset, limit)
Pirate.list_by(offset, limit, :aboard_s => vessel_id)
def valid_name?
The module-level riak
and cache_proxy
connections may be overriden on the
The StringModel is opinionted, providing reasonable defaults for the following:
- item_name
- default: the class name in snake case format (underscored)
- purpose: the element wrapper for json or xml content
- index_name
- default: the item_name
- purpose: the Riak Search index name
- note: the index is created automatically
Several Rails "built-in" methods such as blank? and underscore are used if present or otherwise are monkey-patched in Rails fashion. This is mostly okey, but Rails inflections, ie Person => People, are not re-implemented within RRRMatey. For use in a Rails application, existing inflections will be used. To be 100% covered, if a Model is known to be an abnormal case, requiring inflection, specialize the item_name on the Model.
Using the Pirate and Vessel models and mixing in the CrudController requires only definition of non-CRUD methods, ie "A Pirate boards a Vessel":
class PiratesController < ApplicationController
include RRRMatey::CrudController
def board
vessel_id = params['vessel_id']
return respond_bad_request if vessel_id.blank?
pirate_id = params['pirate_id']
return respond_bad_request if pirate_id.blank?
v = Vessel.get(vessel_id)
return respond_not_found if v.nil?
p = Pirate.get(pirate_id)
return respond_not_found if p.nil?
p.aboard = v.id
class VesselsController < ApplicationController
include RRRMatey::CrudController
def boardings
vessel_id = params['vessel_id']
return respond_bad_request if vessel_id.blank?
offset = params['offset'] || 0
limit = params['limit'] || 20
vessel = Vessel.new(vessel_id)
pirates_aboard = vessel.boardings(offset, limit)
By mixing in the CrudController functionality, existing Rails strong_parameters best practice is still available within a Rails context and should be used.
- Fork the project on Github. If you have already forked, use
git pull --rebase
to reapply your changes on top of the mainline. Example:
git checkout master
git pull --rebase basho master
- Create a topic branch. If you've already created a topic branch, rebase it on top of changes from the mainline "master" branch. Examples:
- New branch:
git checkout -b topic
- Existing branch:
git rebase master
Write an RSpec example or set of examples that demonstrate the necessity and validity of your changes. **Patches without specs will most often be ignored. Just do it, you'll thank me later. Documenation patches need no specs, of course.
Make your feature addition or bug fix. Make your specs and stories pass (green).
Run the suite using multiruby or rvm or rbenv to ensure cross-version compatibility.
Cleanup any trailing whitespace in your code and generally follow the coding style of existing code.
Send a pull request to the upstream repositoty.
Copyright ©2015-2016 James Gorlick and Basho Technologies, Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.