An app designed to make it easier to keep your job search organized. Track applications, resumes, and cover letters easily. Add interview post-mortems and generate reports relevant to improving your job search
for a basic installation of the app follow these steps
- clone this repo
git clone
- change directory into the project
- run
bundle install --without development test
- run
- to start up the local server run
rails s
- navigate to localhost:3000 to access the application
Ruby/Rails Postgres PhantomJS is required to run the tests for this application. Installing Phantom
- Clone this repo
into the project directorybundle install
- Make sure you have a running instance of Postgres
rake db:setup
rails s
to get the development server running
to run the entire test suite simply run rspec
in order to make testing faster this project is set up to run tests from zeus
to start the zeus server run zeus start
leave it running and it should keep the application running so it doesn't need to restart every time you run a test
####developers notes: If you are a vim user i recommend following along with this post: using-vim-to-drive-tdd in order to setup your environment for fast testing with zeus