Note: The parser component is stolen from:, and modified to work better with more complex makefiles
Simple Makefile
documentation reader and writer. You can document a target by preceding it with a section of: ##
## This is the basic help
## This is the verbose help and it
## can span as many lines as you want.
## The basic and verbose help need to be separated by an empty ##
If you specify a .DEFAULT_GOAL = [yourgoal]
it will be highlighted
$(info no such target)
## Print out help
## Display a short description for all targets
@echo "Available targets:\n"
@go run ../main.go -pretty $(MAKEFILE_LIST)
## Print help verbose
## Dumps the help including long descriptions
@echo "Available targets:\n"
@go run ../main.go -pretty -verbose $(MAKEFILE_LIST)
## Display an extensive description for a specific target
## Display more extensive help for a given target, e.g.,
## `make help-test`
@go run ../main.go -pretty -verbose -target $(*) $(MAKEFILE_LIST)
You can run the following command:
go run main.go -pretty -verbose data/Makefile
To get pretty output that is easily digested by a user:
help Print out help
Display a short description for all targets
help-% Display an extensive description for a specific target
Display more extensive help for a given target, e.g.,
`make help-test`
help-verbose Print help verbose
Dumps the help including long descriptions