This is a forked project of Accenture DevOps Platform that is extended for the following purposes:
- To use Gitlab instead of Gerrit as the main Git repository to load cartridges and performs CI/CD because we/our clients like Gitlab more.
- To have a built-in Ansible jenkins slave container.
- To have a built-in SMTP docker container.
- To have a customized Platform Extension with no regard to the original specification due to it's limited extension capability.
Due to the complexity of merging the code how we implemented the above, we decided to forked away this project and planned to collaborate in the future to see what the original ADOP project can re-use.
If you have an AWS account, you can get the cloudformation templates here: Use the Single Node version for demo or sandbox environments.
If you want to launch this manually provided that you have basic knowledge in Linux command line and docker. Follow the steps below.
CPU: 4 Core
RAM: 16 GB
Disk Storage: 100GB
Internet connection
docker-engine v1.10 or higher.
docker-compose v1.7 or higher.
Export Container global variables.
- The docker network name.TARGET_HOST
- Use the host internal ip address where the proxy is deployed.LOGSTASH_HOST
- Use the host internal ip address where the proxy is deployed.INITIAL_ADMIN_USER
- The initial user that will have an administrator access to all the tools.INITIAL_ADMIN_PASSWORD_PLAIN
- The initial user's password.ADOP_CLI_USER
- The cli user that has administrator access to Jenkins. This can be theINITIAL_ADMIN_USER
- The cli user's password.SMTP_DOMAIN
- Your smtp server domain.
Or better create a script for these and source it.
cat > <<-EOF export PUBLIC_IP= export CUSTOM_NETWORK_NAME=docker-network export TARGET_HOST= export LOGSTASH_HOST= export INITIAL_ADMIN_USER=juansmith export INITIAL_ADMIN_PASSWORD_PLAIN=beshy123 export ADOP_CLI_USER=juansmith export ADOP_CLI_PASSWORD=beshy123 export # IMPORTANT: Use this domain if you are launching this from AWS EC2. EOF
Set the LDAP credentials and load environment variables.
# Load adop default variables source # Load your preference variables source # Generate a `` file that will automatically be sourced. source
Deploy the containers
# Create the docker network docker network create ${CUSTOM_NETWORK_NAME} # Create the mail-server configurations compose/mail-server/ # Deploy mail-server container docker-compose -f compose/mail-server/docker-compose.yml up -d # Deploy ELK stack containers docker-compose -f compose/elk.yml up -d ## Deploy PDC extensions of ADOP # Set docker-compose overrides COMPOSE_OVERRIDES='-f docker-compose.yml -f compose/gitlab/docker-compose.yml -f compose/jenkins-aws-vars/docker-compose.yml -f compose/jenkins-ansible-slave/docker-compose.yml' VOLUME_OVERRIDES='-f etc/volumes/local/default.yml' # Deploy docker-compose ${COMPOSE_OVERRIDES} ${VOLUME_OVERRIDES} up -d
(Optional) Load the Gitlab Platform in Jenkins and create initial Workspace and Project from the commandline.
# Load the Gitlab platform job to generate the Workspace creator job ./gitlab-load-platform # Set variables using for adop cli ./adop target set -t http://${TARGET_HOST} -u ${ADOP_CLI_USER} -p ${ADOP_CLI_PASSWORD} # You will be prompted to source the target file source ./.adop/target # Create a sample workspace using adop cli. ./adop workspace -w MyWorkspace create -a ${INITIAL_ADMIN_USER}@${LDAP_DOMAIN} # Create a sample project using adop cli. ./adop project -w MyWorkspace -p MyProject create -a ${INITIAL_ADMIN_USER}@${LDAP_DOMAIN}
Get your Gitlab user Private Token.
You can get your gitlab user's Private token from the Gitlab's page url - http://ADOPIPADDRESS/gitlab/profile/account.
From the Jenkins Home Page, Go to Credentials and create a credentials with the Gitlab API Token type using the Account Token of the gitlab user.
Configure Gitlab connection.
From the Jenkins Home Page, Go to Manage Jenkins >> Configure System, search for the Gitlab connection settings.
Connection name: ADOP Gitlab
Gitlab host URL: http://gitlab/gitlab
Credentials: <the gitlab api token credentials you created>
- Test the connection to ensure that Gitlab and Jenkins communicates with each other.
Fix for an issue where users will not be able to clone using ssh from Gitlab.
docker exec gitlab sed -i "s/session required optional" /etc/pam.d/sshd