A tiny (VeRy SeNsIbLe) Rust library and CLI app for creating Mocking SpongeBob text from normal input.
Simply provide the input to be MoCkEd as arguments to the app. Each input argument will be output on its own line.
$ spongemock "this is a" "worthwhile use of my time"
ThIs Is A
WoRtHwHiLe UsE oF mY tImE
If no arguments are given, input will be read from stdin.
$ fortune | spongemock | cowsay
/ YoU wIlL iNhErIt SoMe MoNeY oR a SmAlL \
\ pIeCe Of LaNd. /
\ ^__^
\ (oo)\_______
(__)\ )\/\
||----w |
|| ||
See the doc comments in lib.rs.