React component for web pull to refresh and load more, 下拉刷新, 加载更多
npm install react-touch-loader
import Tloader from 'react-touch-loader';
className="some class">
<ul><li>some items</li></ul>
react-touch-loader will automaticly import the less file, please config your webpack for less.
- 0: do not display the progress bar
- 1: start progress bar
- 2: progress to end
- function (resove, reject)
- undefined: disable the pull to refresh action
- 0: hide the load more footer (disable load more)
- 1: show the load more footer
- function (resove)
- custom css class
The text is defined in css(less):
@pullingMsg: '下拉刷新';
@pullingEnoughMsg: '松开刷新';
@refreshingMsg: '正在刷新...';
@refreshedMsg: '刷新成功';
@loadingMsg: '正在加载...';
@btnLoadMore: '加载更多';
.state-pulling &{
content: @pullingMsg
.state-pulling.enough &{
content: @pullingEnoughMsg;
.state-refreshed &{
content: @refreshedMsg;
content: @loadingMsg;
.tloader-symbol &{
content: @refreshingMsg;
content: @btnLoadMore;
So you can easily overwrite the defaults by css like this:
.tloader .tloader-btn:after{
content: 'Load More';