This program reads & sets pins of the piface board, without requiring additional dependencies.
It includes a slightly modified version of the C library in
The PiFace board communicates with the Raspberry Pi using the SPI interface.
Ensure the SPI module is loaded: modprobe spi-bcm2708.
Refer to for additional details about SPI module.
The program itself is installed as usual:
- download the sources
- cd to the source directory
- launch "make"
- launch "make install"
piface_tool is now available at /usr/local/sbin/piface_tool. You can change the "prefix" to install it elsewhere:
- launch "make prefix=/usr install" to install in /usr/sbin
Usage: piface_tool [options] pin_number [in|out [value]]
Read/Set the piface pins.
Pin '8' is a shortcut for all pins.
- -n Force no init (use if other programs are using the piface)
- -v Verbose
- -h Show this message