For Classic WoW guilds using the Konfer Suicide Kings loot system, this bot can post exported JSON results from the KSK addon to Discord.
The intent of this bot is to allow easy viewing of KSK positions for guild members, and also reduce the overhead for raid leaders and members needing to keep all of their addons in sync whenever someone wants to see their KSK position.
Click here to add to your Discord server.
Mention/tag the bot user @KSK
when using the following commands.
@KSK post
Copy and paste the string provided by the KSK addon following this command.
@KSK help
Displays the Discord bot help message.
- Simply click the Upload button when prompted for strings that are larger than Discord's message limit.
- The bot can accept either a string or uploaded text file accompanying the
@KSK post
command. - Large lists will be broken up into multiple messages due to Discord's message/embed limits.
- Outdated lists are automatically purged when the same list is posted again in the same channel.
You must be a designated admin user in your guild's KSK system in order to export data.
Select the Export button in the Config tab.
Export either a single list (selected in the previous screen), or all your KSK lists, as JSON.
Konfer Suicide Kings (KSK) for Classic WoW
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