Here it is, the OpenQuest 3rd Edition rules stripped down to their bare essentials. It’s also available online at
Note this is not the full game, which is fully illustrated, with copious examples, advice, a setting and an adventure which is available from me at
If you are interested in using the SRD for your content, please read the "How to Use the SRD" pdf included. This article explains the Creative Commons License that the SRD is released under in layman's terms and what you have to do to comply with its terms to release products, either free or commercial, using it.
Previously releases of the OQ SRD have spawned such great games as Age of Shadow by Crooked Staff Games, Cakebread and Walton's Clockwork and Chivalry and Jackals published by Osprey games, so I'm interested to see what comes out from this release.
If you are working on something, let me know, and I'll list it at
;O) Newt
V.1.2 Content updated to reflect changes made the 2nd printing of OpenQuest 3rd Edition and licensing change to Creative Commons 09/03/2023 V.1.01 Skill Bases for all skills added to Characters and Skills 22/01/2022
V.1.0 INITIAL RELEASE 17/01/2022
V.1.2.1 INITIAL RELEASE 2024.04.02 by plyr0
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