Adding much needed flashing lights to Galicaster!
This plugin allows you to use a BlinkStick to alert people in the room of the current recording status of the Galicaster.
Specifically, we are using BlinkStick Square with the enclosure, though this might work for the other blinkstick hardware too. It might also be a good starting point for other lights.
By default the light will turn yellow when a recording is upcoming (starting in less than a minute), red when recording, and flash red when paused. This can be configured using the settings described below.
Install using sudo pip2 install .
in this directory. The official
python module is required, and should be installed automatically
by pip as needed.
You can also install manually by copying galicaster_plugin_blinkstick/
the Galicaster plugins directory, renaming it as blinkstick
and then
installing the blinkstick module with sudo pip2 install blinkstick
Either way, you should add a udev rule to make sure ordinary users can access
it using sudo blinkstick --add-udev-rule
. or you can manually achieve the
same thing with:
echo "SUBSYSTEM==\"usb\", ATTR{idVendor}==\"20a0\", ATTR{idProduct}==\"41e5\", MODE:=\"0666\"" | sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/85-blinkstick.rules
Add the following to your conf.ini
[plugins] blinkstick = True [blinkstick] preview_color = #000000 rec_color = #ff0000 pause_color = #ff0000 pause_delay = 1000 upcoming_color = #ffff00 error_color = #ffbf00
Source code is available at