The PPI Framework documentation.
The PPI2 documentation uses reStructuredText as its markup language and Sphinx for building the output (HTML, PDF, ...).
Please refer to both project homepages to learn it's syntax if you're not used with reST/Sphinx yet.
To build the documentation you'll need Python and Sphinx installed.
$ apt-get install python2.7
$ easy_install sphinx
$ cd /path/to/ppi-docs
$ make html
The PPI2 documentation is hosted on GitHub:
To submit a contribution, fork the official repository on GitHub and send a Pull Request.
Like PPI Framework source code, the documentation repository is split into three branches: 2.0 for the current PPI 2.0.x release, 2.1 for the current PPI 2.1.x release and master as the development branch for upcoming releases.
Contributing translations requires that you make a new directory using the two letter name for your language. As content is translated, directories mirroring the english content should be created with localized content.