Chess made with React.js and Redux Toolkit. I used the HTML Drag and Drop API to move the pieces. The one thing that I did not implement is En passant because I did not want to implement it. Castling is possible but the game does not prevent you from castling into a checkmate.
The project can be played in this link (access to this is limited to my country only). I built the project using Vite then created a dockerfile to build an image. I pushed an Image on AWS ECR. I then pulled the image on an AWS EC2 Instance and ran it as a container.
I made this project with the following intentions:
- Practice React.js
- Learn How Redux Toolkit works.
- See it on web the through AWS.
Though the project is not perfect, I am happy with what I was able to accomplish. I will one day make a better one.
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Install the dependcies.
npm install
- Run the project
npm run dev