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irc-bot-nodejs is a simple IRC bot with basic functionalities


  1. install Node.js and then do npm i
  2. change settings in config.example.js and save as config.js
  3. run with: node bot.js or npm run start
  4. while in an IRC channel type any of the supported commands


  • !wp <Article> - get summary from Wikipedia for article. Example: !wp Microsoft.
  • !weather [zip] <City> - get weather info for city. The zip argument is not required.
    Example: !weather Zagreb or !weather 10000,hr will show the weather for Zagreb. same for !wf (or !weatherforecast) - outputs weather forecast for the next 5 days
  • !tv, !next, !last <showname> - Example: !next Suits - gets info about the next Suits episode.
  • !isup - checks if a specified site is up. Example: !isup
  • !csgo - get player info for the game Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
  • !g, !google - search via google and show first result
  • !remind - set a reminder. Example: !remind 16:30 Grab a beer. Limitation: only time allowed, no date.


  • add more? ofc!
  • reconnect after disconnecting from irc (until then, use: foreverjs/forever )


  • Weather command - current weather or forecast
  • TVRage
  • Isup to check if site is up
  • NickServ identify
  • Separate config file for easier bot configuration & usage
  • URL parser for: Github, SoundCloud, Twitter, Youtube, Imgur
  • Counter-Strike: Global Offensive player info


  • GNU GPL v3