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How to: test your changes

Evan Bruhn edited this page Jan 8, 2019 · 2 revisions

Test your changes

Hopefully, you've added tests if you've changed anything (aside from styling). When you're ready to run them, there are a few ways you can do this:

On the browser

Run npx gulp serve, and navigate to https://localhost:8080/test to run the tests in any browser you have installed.

On the command line (local)

Run wct --skip-plugin sauce to start tests for Chrome and Firefox unattended. This will start both browsers, but will clean-up these browser instances on its own. The output will be printed to the console.

On the command line (cloud a.k.a. saucelabs)

If you want to test on all browsers configured for the repo (incl. ones not on your machine), run web component tester with the saucelabs plugin with:

export SAUCE_USERNAME=your_user_name_goes_here
export SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY=your_access_key_goes_here

wct --plugin sauce --skip-plugin local

(bug Evan or Aron if you don't have a saucelabs username and access token)

This uses polymer-serve behind the scenes and will auto transpile changes for you.