KafkaTS is a Apache Kafka client library for Node.js. It provides both a low-level API for communicating directly with the Apache Kafka cluster and high-level APIs for publishing and subscribing to Kafka topics.
Supported Kafka versions: 3.6 and later
npm install kafka-ts
export const kafka = createKafkaClient({
clientId: 'my-app',
bootstrapServers: [{ host: 'localhost', port: 9092 }],
const consumer = await kafka.startConsumer({
groupId: 'my-consumer-group',
topics: ['my-topic'],
onBatch: (messages) => {
export const producer = kafka.createProducer();
await producer.send([{ topic: 'my-topic', key: 'key', value: 'value' }]);
const cluster = kafka.createCluster();
await cluster.connect();
const { controllerId } = await cluster.sendRequest(API.METADATA, {
allowTopicAutoCreation: false,
includeTopicAuthorizedOperations: false,
topics: [],
await cluster.sendRequestToNode(controllerId)(API.CREATE_TOPICS, {
validateOnly: false,
timeoutMs: 10_000,
topics: [
name: 'my-topic',
numPartitions: 10,
replicationFactor: 3,
assignments: [],
configs: [],
await cluster.disconnect();
process.once('SIGTERM', async () => {
await consumer.close(); // waits for the consumer to finish processing the last batch and disconnects
await producer.close();
See the examples for more detailed examples.
By default KafkaTS logs out using a JSON logger. This can be globally replaced by calling setLogger method (see src/utils/logger.ts)
By default KafkaTS retries onBatch
using an exponential backoff delay up to 5 times (see src/utils/retrier.ts). In case of failure the consumer is restarted.
In case you want to skip failed messages or implement a DLQ-like mechanism, you can overwrite retrier
on startConsumer()
and execute your own logic onFailure
Example if you simply want to skip the failing messages:
await kafka.startConsumer({
// ...
retrier: createExponentialBackoffRetrier({ onFailure: () => {} }),
By default, messages are partitioned by message key or round-robin if the key is null or undefined. Partition can be overwritten by partition
property in the message. You can also override the default partitioner per producer instance kafka.createProducer({ partitioner: customPartitioner })
A simple example how to partition messages by the value in message header x-partition-key
import type { Partitioner } from 'kafka-ts';
import { defaultPartitioner } from 'kafka-ts';
const myPartitioner: Partitioner = (context) => {
const partition = defaultPartitioner(context);
return (message) => partition({ ...message, key: message.headers?.['x-partition-key'] });
const producer = kafka.createProducer({ partitioner: myPartitioner });
await producer.send([{ topic: 'my-topic', value: 'value', headers: { 'x-partition-key': '123' } }]);
The existing low-level libraries (e.g. node-rdkafka) are bindings on librdkafka, which doesn't give enough control over the consumer logic. The existing high-level libraries (e.g. kafkajs) are missing a few crucial features.
- Static consumer membership - Rebalancing during rolling deployments causes delays. Using
in addition togroupId
can avoid rebalancing and continue consuming partitions in the existing assignment. - Consuming messages without consumer groups - When you don't need the consumer to track the partition offsets, you can simply create a consumer without groupId and always either start consuming messages from the beginning or from the latest partition offset.
- Low-level API requests - It's possible to communicate directly with the Kafka cluster using the kafka api protocol.
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
clientId | string | false | null | The client id used for all requests. |
bootstrapServers | TcpSocketConnectOpts[] | true | List of kafka brokers for initial cluster discovery. | |
sasl | SASLProvider | false | SASL provider | |
ssl | TLSSocketOptions | false | SSL configuration. | |
requestTimeout | number | false | 60000 | Request timeout in milliseconds. |
saslPlain({ username, password })
- SCRAM-SHA-256:
saslScramSha256({ username, password })
- SCRAM-SHA-512:
saslScramSha512({ username, password })
Custom SASL mechanisms can be implemented following the SASLProvider
interface. See src/auth for examples.
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
topics | string[] | true | List of topics to subscribe to | |
groupId | string | false | null | Consumer group id |
groupInstanceId | string | false | null | Consumer group instance id |
rackId | string | false | null | Rack id |
isolationLevel | IsolationLevel | false | IsolationLevel.READ_UNCOMMITTED | Isolation level |
sessionTimeoutMs | number | false | 30000 | Session timeout in milliseconds |
rebalanceTimeoutMs | number | false | 60000 | Rebalance timeout in milliseconds |
maxWaitMs | number | false | 5000 | Fetch long poll timeout in milliseconds |
minBytes | number | false | 1 | Minimum number of bytes to wait for before returning a fetch response |
maxBytes | number | false | 1_048_576 | Maximum number of bytes to return in the fetch response |
partitionMaxBytes | number | false | 1_048_576 | Maximum number of bytes to return per partition in the fetch response |
allowTopicAutoCreation | boolean | false | false | Allow kafka to auto-create topic when it doesn't exist |
fromTimestamp | bigint | false | -1 | Start consuming messages from timestamp (-1 = latest offsets, -2 = earliest offsets) |
onBatch | (batch: Message[]) => Promise | true | Callback executed when a batch of messages is received |
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
allowTopicAutoCreation | boolean | false | false | Allow kafka to auto-create topic when it doesn't exist |
partitioner | Partitioner | false | defaultPartitioner | Custom partitioner function. By default, it uses a default java-compatible partitioner. |
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
topic | string | true | Topic to send the message to | |
partition | number | false | null | Partition to send the message to. By default partitioned by key. If key is also missing, partition is assigned round-robin |
timestamp | bigint | false | null | Message timestamp in milliseconds |
key | Buffer | null | false | null | Message key |
value | Buffer | null | true | Message value | |
headers | Record<string, string> | false | null | Message headers |