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KafkaTS is a Apache Kafka client library for Node.js. It provides both a low-level API for communicating directly with the Apache Kafka cluster and high-level APIs for publishing and subscribing to Kafka topics.

Supported Kafka versions: 3.6 and later


npm install kafka-ts

Quick start

Create kafka client

export const kafka = createKafkaClient({
    clientId: 'my-app',
    bootstrapServers: [{ host: 'localhost', port: 9092 }],

Consuming messages

const consumer = await kafka.startConsumer({
    groupId: 'my-consumer-group',
    topics: ['my-topic'],
    onBatch: (messages) => {

Producing messages

export const producer = kafka.createProducer();

await producer.send([{ topic: 'my-topic', key: 'key', value: 'value' }]);

Low-level API

const cluster = kafka.createCluster();
await cluster.connect();

const { controllerId } = await cluster.sendRequest(API.METADATA, {
    allowTopicAutoCreation: false,
    includeTopicAuthorizedOperations: false,
    topics: [],

await cluster.sendRequestToNode(controllerId)(API.CREATE_TOPICS, {
    validateOnly: false,
    timeoutMs: 10_000,
    topics: [
            name: 'my-topic',
            numPartitions: 10,
            replicationFactor: 3,
            assignments: [],
            configs: [],

await cluster.disconnect();

Graceful shutdown

process.once('SIGTERM', async () => {
    await consumer.close(); // waits for the consumer to finish processing the last batch and disconnects
    await producer.close();

See the examples for more detailed examples.


By default KafkaTS logs out using a JSON logger. This can be globally replaced by calling setLogger method (see src/utils/logger.ts)


By default KafkaTS retries onBatch using an exponential backoff delay up to 5 times (see src/utils/retrier.ts). In case of failure the consumer is restarted.

In case you want to skip failed messages or implement a DLQ-like mechanism, you can overwrite retrier on startConsumer() and execute your own logic onFailure.

Example if you simply want to skip the failing messages:

await kafka.startConsumer({
    // ...
    retrier: createExponentialBackoffRetrier({ onFailure: () => {} }),


By default, messages are partitioned by message key or round-robin if the key is null or undefined. Partition can be overwritten by partition property in the message. You can also override the default partitioner per producer instance kafka.createProducer({ partitioner: customPartitioner }).

A simple example how to partition messages by the value in message header x-partition-key:

import type { Partitioner } from 'kafka-ts';
import { defaultPartitioner } from 'kafka-ts';

const myPartitioner: Partitioner = (context) => {
    const partition = defaultPartitioner(context);
    return (message) => partition({ ...message, key: message.headers?.['x-partition-key'] });

const producer = kafka.createProducer({ partitioner: myPartitioner });

await producer.send([{ topic: 'my-topic', value: 'value', headers: { 'x-partition-key': '123' } }]);


The existing low-level libraries (e.g. node-rdkafka) are bindings on librdkafka, which doesn't give enough control over the consumer logic. The existing high-level libraries (e.g. kafkajs) are missing a few crucial features.

New features compared to kafkajs

  • Static consumer membership - Rebalancing during rolling deployments causes delays. Using groupInstanceId in addition to groupId can avoid rebalancing and continue consuming partitions in the existing assignment.
  • Consuming messages without consumer groups - When you don't need the consumer to track the partition offsets, you can simply create a consumer without groupId and always either start consuming messages from the beginning or from the latest partition offset.
  • Low-level API requests - It's possible to communicate directly with the Kafka cluster using the kafka api protocol.



Name Type Required Default Description
clientId string false null The client id used for all requests.
bootstrapServers TcpSocketConnectOpts[] true List of kafka brokers for initial cluster discovery.
sasl SASLProvider false SASL provider
ssl TLSSocketOptions false SSL configuration.
requestTimeout number false 60000 Request timeout in milliseconds.

Supported SASL mechanisms

  • PLAIN: saslPlain({ username, password })
  • SCRAM-SHA-256: saslScramSha256({ username, password })
  • SCRAM-SHA-512: saslScramSha512({ username, password })

Custom SASL mechanisms can be implemented following the SASLProvider interface. See src/auth for examples.


Name Type Required Default Description
topics string[] true List of topics to subscribe to
groupId string false null Consumer group id
groupInstanceId string false null Consumer group instance id
rackId string false null Rack id
isolationLevel IsolationLevel false IsolationLevel.READ_UNCOMMITTED Isolation level
sessionTimeoutMs number false 30000 Session timeout in milliseconds
rebalanceTimeoutMs number false 60000 Rebalance timeout in milliseconds
maxWaitMs number false 5000 Fetch long poll timeout in milliseconds
minBytes number false 1 Minimum number of bytes to wait for before returning a fetch response
maxBytes number false 1_048_576 Maximum number of bytes to return in the fetch response
partitionMaxBytes number false 1_048_576 Maximum number of bytes to return per partition in the fetch response
allowTopicAutoCreation boolean false false Allow kafka to auto-create topic when it doesn't exist
fromTimestamp bigint false -1 Start consuming messages from timestamp (-1 = latest offsets, -2 = earliest offsets)
onBatch (batch: Message[]) => Promise true Callback executed when a batch of messages is received


Name Type Required Default Description
allowTopicAutoCreation boolean false false Allow kafka to auto-create topic when it doesn't exist
partitioner Partitioner false defaultPartitioner Custom partitioner function. By default, it uses a default java-compatible partitioner.

producer.send(messages: Message[], options?: { acks?: -1 | 1 })

Name Type Required Default Description
topic string true Topic to send the message to
partition number false null Partition to send the message to. By default partitioned by key. If key is also missing, partition is assigned round-robin
timestamp bigint false null Message timestamp in milliseconds
key Buffer | null false null Message key
value Buffer | null true Message value
headers Record<string, string> false null Message headers


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