Extended utilities to integrate Prime UI library theming with Tailwind CSS and add the missing animation utilities from the legacy PrimeFlex.
This plugin requires a Prime UI library with the next-gen theming, compatible with styled and unstyled modes.
- primevue v4+
- primeng v18+
- @primereact/core v1+
Install the plugin from npm.
npm i tailwindcss-primeui
Add the plugin to your tailwind.config.js file.
// tailwind.config.js
module.exports = {
// ...
plugins: [require('tailwindcss-primeui')]
Prime UI libraries utilize a color palette that consists of primary colors and surfaces, these colors can be used as Tailwind extensions.
<div class="bg-primary text-primary-contrast border-primary-500">Content</div>
<div class="bg-surface-50 dark:bg-surface-900 text-surface-900 dark:text-surface-0 border-surface-200 dark:border-surface-700">Content</div>
Color | Description |
primary-[50-950] | Primary colors |
surface-[0-950] | Surface colors |
primary | Default primary color |
primary-contrast | Default primary contrast color |
primary-emphasis | Default primary emphasis color |
Special preset classes defined by the Prime UI library theme preset such as Aura, Lara, or Nora.
Color | Description |
border-surface | Border color |
bg-emphasis | Emphasis background, e.g. hovered element |
bg-highlight | Highlight background |
bg-highlight-emphasis | Highlight background with emphasis |
rounded-border | Border radius |
text-color | Text color |
text-color-emphasis | Text color with emphasis |
text-muted-color | Secondary text color |
text-muted-color-emphasis | Secondary text color with emphasis |
PrimeFlex provide various animation utilities that are missing in Tailwind CSS core, this plugin adds these plugins for migration.
Class | Properties |
animate-duration-0 | animation-duration: 0s; |
animate-duration-75 | animation-duration: 75ms; |
animate-duration-100 | animation-duration: 100ms; |
animate-duration-150 | animation-duration: 150ms; |
animate-duration-200 | animation-duration: 200ms; |
animate-duration-300 | animation-duration: 300ms; |
animate-duration-400 | animation-duration: 400ms; |
animate-duration-500 | animation-duration: 500ms; |
animate-duration-700 | animation-duration: 700ms; |
animate-duration-1000 | animation-duration: 1000ms; |
animate-duration-2000 | animation-duration: 2000ms; |
animate-duration-3000 | animation-duration: 3000ms; |
Class | Properties |
animate-delay-none | animation-delay: 0ms; |
animate-delay-75 | animation-delay: 75ms; |
animate-delay-100 | animation-delay: 100ms; |
animate-delay-150 | animation-delay: 150ms; |
animate-delay-200 | animation-delay: 200ms; |
animate-delay-300 | animation-delay: 300ms; |
animate-delay-400 | animation-delay: 400ms; |
animate-delay-500 | animation-delay: 500ms; |
animate-delay-700 | animation-delay: 700ms; |
animate-delay-1000 | animation-delay: 1000ms; |
Class | Properties |
animate-infinite | animation-iteration-count: infinite; |
animate-once | animation-iteration-count: 1; |
animate-twice | animation-iteration-count: 2; |
Class | Properties |
animate-normal | animation-direction: normal; |
animate-reverse | animation-direction: reverse; |
animate-alternate | animation-direction: alternate; |
animate-alternate-reverse | animation-direction: alternate-reverse; |
Class | Properties |
animate-ease-linear | animation-timing-function: linear; |
animate-ease-in | animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 1, 1); |
animate-ease-out | animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1); |
animate-ease-in-out | animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1); |
Class | Properties |
animate-fill-none | animation-fill-mode: normal; |
animate-fill-forwards | animation-fill-mode: forwards; |
animate-fill-backwards | animation-fill-mode: backwards; |
animate-fill-both | animation-fill-mode: both; |
Class | Properties |
animate-running | animation-play-state: running; |
animate-paused | animation-play-state: paused; |
Class | Properties |
backface-visible | backface-visibility: visible; |
backface-hidden | backface-visibility: hidden; |
Class | Properties |
animate-fadein | fadein 0.15s linear |
animate-fadeout | fadeout 0.15s linear |
animate-slidedown | slidedown 0.45s ease-in-out |
animate-slideup | slideup 0.45s cubic-bezier(0, 1, 0, 1) |
animate-scalein | scalein 0.15s linear |
animate-fadeinleft | fadeinleft 0.15s linear |
animate-fadeoutleft | fadeoutleft 0.15s linear |
animate-fadeinright | fadeinright 0.15s linear |
animate-fadeoutright | fadeoutright 0.15s linear |
animate-fadeinup | fadeinup 0.15s linear |
animate-fadeoutup | fadeoutup 0.15s linear |
animate-fadeindown | fadeindown 0.15s linear |
animate-fadeoutup | fadeoutup 0.15s linear |
animate-width | width 0.15s linear |
animate-flip | flip 0.15s linear |
animate-flipup | flipup 0.15s linear |
animate-flipleft | flipleft 0.15s linear |
animate-flipright | flipright 0.15s linear |
animate-zoomin | zoomin 0.15s linear |
animate-zoomindown | zoomindown 0.15s linear |
animate-zoominleft | zoominleft 0.15s linear |
animate-zoominright | zoominright 0.15s linear |
animate-zoominup | zoominup 0.15s linear |
| animate-enter | | | animate-leave | |
Values are derived from the Tailwind CSS opacity e.g. fade-in-50 and fade-out-20. Arbitrary values such as fade-in-[15] are also supported.
| fade-in-{value} | --p-enter-opacity: {value} | | fade-out-{value} | --p-leave-opacity: {value} |
Values are derived from the Tailwind CSS scale e.g. zoom-in-50 and zoom-out-75. Arbitrary values such as zoom-in-[0.8] are also supported.
| zoom-in-{value} | --p-enter-scale: {value} | | zoom-out-{value} | --p-leave-scale: {value} |
Values are derived from the Tailwind CSS rotate e.g. spin-in-45 and spin-out-90. Arbitrary values such as spin-in-[60deg] are also supported.
| spin-in-{value} | --p-enter-rotate: {value} | | spin-out-{value} | --p-leave-rotate: {value} |
Values are derived from the Tailwind CSS translate e.g. slide-in-from-t-50 and slide-out-to-l-8. Arbitrary values such as slide-in-from-b-[8px] are also supported.
| slide-in-from-t-{value} | --p-enter-translate-y: -{value} | | slide-in-from-t-{value} | --p-enter-translate-y: {value} | | slide-in-from-t-{value} | --p-enter-translate-x: -{value} | | slide-in-from-t-{value} | --p-enter-translate-x: {value} | | slide-out-to-t-{value} | --p-leave-translate-y: -{value} | | slide-out-to-t-{value} | --p-leave-translate-y: {value} | | slide-out-to-t-{value} | --p-leave-translate-x: -{value} | | slide-out-to-t-{value} | --p-leave-translate-x: {value} |
All variants and breakpoints are supported.
<div class="lg:hover:bg-primary lg:hover:animate-fadein motion-reduce:animate-none">
<!-- ... -->
Any value within the square brackets allow defining one-off values that do not need to be defined as a reusable utility.
<div class="animate-delay-[450ms] animate-duration-[4s]">
<!-- ... -->
The default values can be customized using as a theme extension.
// tailwind.config.js
module.exports = {
theme: {
extend: {
animationDelay: {
475: '475ms',
2000: '2s'
animationDuration: {
4000: '4s',
slow: '10s'
plugins: [require('tailwindcss-primeui')]