Implement 'deltaTime' global variable
Added falloff function
default drawMode as FILL in WebGL
improved uniform names
unify lighting
Add Tint support in WebGL
add localStorage support
3D createGraphics setAttributes working
removing sync option
add p5-test suite
fix updatePixels bug
fix onBlur undefined return
fix text to bindTextures during shader initialization
fix directional light direction calculation wrt. view matrix
Fix nfs()
fix mouseX, mouseY and touchX, touchY for noCanvas
fix video.get()
fix createCapture loaded event to wait for metadata
fix mobile safari for touch event duplication
add unit tests for jsonp
add mouse events unit tests
core/attributes.js: add unit tests
core/transform.js: add unit tests
core/p5.Element.js: add more unit tests
events/mouse.js: add unit tests
events/keyboard.js: create unit tests
events/touch.js: create unit tests
image/pixels.js : add unit tests
image/filters.js: add unit tests
upgrade mocha
port node tests to tdd style
move config to task runner
add recommended extensions for vscode
add eslint plugin
add grunt-simple-nyc
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