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Plugin Framework

proepkes edited this page Nov 2, 2018 · 21 revisions


SpeedDate looks for every class that implements the interface IPlugin in every dll-file that is inside the executing directory. That means: if you make a separate solution for your plugins, you have to copy the resulting dll-file into the SpeedDate-directory.

Writing a custom Plugin

Plugins extend the functionality of the server. For every server-plugin there should exist a corresponding client-plugin to access the server-functionality. It is good practice to place server- and client-plugin-classes into separate projects.

Create a Server-Plugin

Create a new class that inherits from SpeedDateServerPlugin:

class ExampleServerPlugin : SpeedDateServerPlugin

Create a Client-Plugin

Create a new class that inherits from SpeedDateClientPlugin:

class ExampleClientPlugin: SpeedDateClientPlugin

Overwrite "Loaded"-method

ServerPlugins have access to the field Server and ClientPlugins have access to the field Client to register message-handlers or subscribe to their events. Any fields that are injected by the [Inject]-attribute will not be initialized before Loaded was called, so do NOT use them in the constructor. It is good practice to avoid any constructor-logic for plugins.

Example for a ServerPlugin:

public override void Loaded()
    Server.PeerConnected += ServerOnPeerConnected;

Reference to other plugins

If the plugin requires to call methods from other plugins (for example: AuthenticationPlugin requires methods from the DatabasePlugin), you can simply add the field with the [Inject]-Attribute:

[Inject] private readonly AuthPlugin _auth;

Additional dependencies

If, for example, the plugin should write log-entries, simply add the following line to the plugin and SpeedDate will handle the rest for you:

[Inject] private ILogger logger;

Please note that properties are injected after the constructor was called.